Adeel Farooq INside Performance Marketing Mon, 16 Mar 2020 11:18:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Affiliate Marketing for Entrepreneurs and Overcoming the Technological Barrier Wed, 31 Oct 2018 12:26:01 +0000 The UK affiliate industry shows steady growth in new affiliates entering the market with energy to create new projects, monetise and earn commissions and turn their passion into a full-time commitment. However, for those entrepreneurs who lack technical skills then ...

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The UK affiliate industry shows steady growth in new affiliates entering the market with energy to create new projects, monetise and earn commissions and turn their passion into a full-time commitment. However, for those entrepreneurs who lack technical skills then there are barriers to success due to lack of a cost-effective technology support package provided by the affiliate networks or other technology providers.

RevGlue has spotted this gap and filled in with an all in one affiliate package to help drive the future success of this segment of aspiring entrepreneurs. 

Why is technology such barrier for new affiliates?

Many entrepreneurs considering affiliate marketing struggle with different aspects of the industry that starts from having to understand the complicated and lengthy process of affiliate applications and then applying for relevant affiliate programs on the affiliate networks. Once this process is understood then the real challenge comes with technology, the only choices for those who lack technical skills being to either hire a development team in-house or outsource affiliate website design and development work to specialists.

The understanding of the data structures and the constant updates required their affiliate websites through admin panels to keep the data fresh is something affiliates struggle with before they can see regular commissions coming through their affiliate network relationships. 

These aspiring entrepreneurs are therefore put off entering the affiliate marketing industry when they realise an experienced affiliate tech partner who can manage all aspects of their technical support will cost them several thousands of pounds each and every year. 

A more cost-effective and tech-friendly service is required to overcome this barrier. 

Re-imagining how technology support should work

What this segment of marketing savvy but tech poor entrepreneurs need is an all in one package that meets three specific needs:

  1. A one-stop shop who can design, develop, host and manage all the tech side of the affiliate website – customising pre-built templates and plugins that reduce the development costs of creating a new affiliate marketing project. 
  2. A full range of different affiliate marketing niches to choose from including UK shopping directory, cashback website, discount vouchers website, daily deals discounted website, product feeds niche websites, mobile comparison website or broadband comparison website. 
  3. ‘Always on’ remote assistance to provide training and on-going tech support once the project is live to optimise the site so that entrepreneurs can focus on what they do best – driving traffic to their site that converts into sales commissions. 

Why RevGlue solved this technology support issue

RevGlue is a dedicated team of tech, support and content managers with over a decade of practical experience in the worldwide affiliate industry. Our aim is to make affiliate marketing easy for traditional affiliates and to encourage new online publishers to become successful in their initial affiliate marketing projects. 

RevGlue has profiled its registered customer base of over 1,500 users and has spotted that this segment exists of online publishers who lack the technical skills to set up their own dedicated affiliate marketing sites. To meet the needs of this segment, RevGlue has created a new ‘all in one’ affiliate package that offers a cost-effective technology support solution to first-time affiliates that significantly reduces the time taken from the beginning of their affiliate journey through to generating their first commission. 

These packages are designed to provide tech support, knowledge and training to help entrepreneurs in the UK or even from outside the UK who wish to create UK affiliate websites, mobile phone apps or browser extensions. No Brexit barriers exist for us.

How the All in One Package supports new affiliates?

Working with RevGlue, affiliates can own a complete professional looking fully populated cashback, coupon or price comparison website that is ready to market and monetise. It gets better depending on the support option chosen affiliates to get to keep up to 100% commissions.

This is attractive to entrepreneurs who want to focus all their attention on business, marketing and making money starting on day one.  To do that we will take care of all the technical support needs including setup, data feeds, hosting, customisation, education, support, customer service, maintenance and more.

One less obstacle to get in the way of affiliate success where RevGlue can get affiliates up and running with a complete money making business in less than two weeks.

To bring them all in one affiliate package to life begins with a webinar that affiliates can join here. The webinar will demonstrate and showcase the full range of sites available as part of the all in one package now available through RevGlue. 

There are three key elements included in the All in one Affiliate packages.

1. All in One Affiliate Package – Tech Support

RevGlue will design, develop, host and manage all tech side of setting up a new website. Affiliates will not be required to hire an external designer or developer, set up hosting, buy domains or even spend a penny more on anything related to tech. There is a huge choice of pre-built affiliate templates that can be customised including UK shopping directory, cashback website, discount vouchers website, daily deals discounted website, product feeds niche websites, mobile comparison website or broadband comparison website. RevGlue can get each affiliate projects live within a matter of days so that new affiliates can cash in on the upcoming Black Friday and Christmas retail commission earning peaks.

2. All in One Affiliate Package – Content Management Support

The RevGlue content management team helps affiliates obtain, clean, structure and integrate the data sets on the new website removing the need to hire expensive data managers. There is a choice to either subscribe to affiliate networks and retain 100% commissions or to save time and use the RevGlue connections to get up and running quickly on a revenue share basis. Either way, RevGlue keeps the data sets fresh with zero effort from the affiliates.

3. All in One Affiliate Package – Training and Support

During the project design, development and launch of each new project, there is the opportunity for first-time affiliates to learn about each aspect of affiliate marketing site design from our experienced project managers. Full remote training is provided over Skype calls to help affiliates understand how their sites can be optimised and promoted to start earning the commissions. The RevGlue team manages all other techs, content and long-term support within a cost-effective fixed fee that operates on either a six or twelve-month arrangement.

Want to find out more?

The all in one affiliate package has been created by RevGlue to solve the technology support challenges for first-time affiliates. But that also means that existing affiliates and even experienced affiliates could also cut down their tech and data management costs on their next UK based affiliate projects.

To find out more, subscribe with our all in one affiliate package webinar for more details and to get access to our special offer to finally get your next affiliate marketing business off the ground with a technology partner you can afford and count on.

Subscribe to the All in One Affiliate Package Webinar.


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Can You Stand Out with a Customised Affiliate Website and Mobile App? Thu, 16 Aug 2018 15:51:09 +0000 Affiliate Marketing spend is now worth over £550 Million per annum with growth by smartphone up 49% year-on-year showing how important it is to have a mobile optimised site. The return on investment from hiring a specialised affiliate project design and development team such as RevGlue has never been more compelling.

The post Can You Stand Out with a Customised Affiliate Website and Mobile App? appeared first on PerformanceIN.


A growing market offers plenty of opportunities

The IAB and PwC’s Affiliate Marketing study for 2017 reported that affiliate marketing generated £8.9 billion in sales which is a 9% increase compared to the previous year. The study also showed that for retailers there is £16 of revenue generated for every £1 spent on affiliate marketing. In terms of how consumers are choosing to shop, then mobile spend increased from 17% to 23% last year which shows the growing trend of making purchase decisions using smartphones.  

As a result, more ecommerce stores are now offering affiliate marketing campaigns as part of their marketing mix. The technology at affiliate networks is also improving and providing great reporting statistics down to product SKU level. More structured product feeds, enhanced tracking facilities and the ability to capture the data from multiple participating devices during the user’s journey is making the channel more attractive to online entrepreneurs. These factors demonstrate that the affiliate industry is in good health with the growth pattern set to continue offering a good ROI for new projects.

Just like a magnet, new types of publishers are being drawn into the affiliate marketing arena from different backgrounds including marketing, non-tech disciplines and even university graduates – all with the common goal looking for online success. Influencers and bloggers are also using affiliate marketing to earn passive income from their online followers. As a result, there are potentially millions of small and medium affiliates who wish to set-up their own affiliate websites that could be one paid widget populated from an affiliate network in a particular niche through to a fully dynamic website such as coupons, cashback or a mobile comparison project.  

So the challenge is how to stand out in such a crowded marketplace?

The answer is to create a bespoke website that has a great look and feel, optimised and responsive for today’s smartphone orientated consumer. And this is where the RevGlue team can help as we provide bespoke design and development support to worldwide affiliates to set-up professional and dynamic affiliate websites in multiple languages and currencies.

Where to start?

The IAB study also showed the breakdown of website types with the highest proportions for coupons and rebate websites, with comparison shopping sites and email and newsletter list the next most popular. This means that shopping comparison, coupons and cashback sites now account for 64% of the affiliate spent.

A bespoke affiliate project can arise from any of the following scenarios:

  1. Affiliate agencies or ecommerce stores looking to setup affiliate campaign management that includes tracking, banner designs, data feeds setup, reporting and training.
  2. Affiliates who wish to set up bespoke affiliate websites, hybrid or native mobile applications, browser extensions or WordPress plugins/templates with a focus on either a cashback, discount vouchers, daily deals aggregation sites, product feeds, price comparison, mobile comparison, broadband comparison, fashion, beauty or in other niches.
  3. Worldwide publishers who wish to monetise their web properties, social media channels and users with a mix of bespoke solutions and/or revenue share basis that avoids the need for a direct relationship with the network providers.
  4. Publishers with mobile apps who wish to integrate with multiple affiliate networks that include data feed integration, designing plugins for WordPress projects, enhancing backend database structure or giving a facelift to existing sites

As these requirements are potentially so varied what this means is that you need to discuss your next affiliate project idea with a vendor who can provide you free advice on the cost, resourcing, data management and structures, website design and development process and affiliate network integration monetisation process. These are all skills that RevGlue provide.

How does a typical custom project design and development process work?

Whilst the requirement may be complex, the RevGlue process is actually fairly simple and can be completed in eight weeks. The team acts as a design and development agency for the client on all bespoke projects.  All the project requirements are confirmed with the client up front and agreed on the contract before it is scheduled with the bespoke development team.

The typical project takes two weeks in unique UI design, next three weeks on core development that includes HTML slicing and admin setup, two weeks on an affiliate network and payment processor API integrations and final week on detailed testing in real time. The project is then moved over to the client-server who becomes the sole owner of the project.

There are multiple team members involved with the project such as a UK cashback site integrating with 10 affiliate networks of your choice. The project manager fills in the communication gap between the client and the tech team on daily basis to make sure the project unique requirements are understood effectively. Daily feedback is provided to everyone via project management tools including a web panel, Skype, email and phone.

Experience is essential in your choice of custom project partner

Over the past ten years, the RevGlue team has completed over 120 affiliate projects including cashback, coupons, mobile comparison, broadband comparison, price comparison and others with worldwide affiliates in multiple languages and currencies. Most custom projects will involve a dynamic website with data integrations with multiple participating affiliate networks. The team understand the data feeds and API integrations structured with all the affiliate networks and then provide a great deal of training to website owners to make their life easy. This gives the client the comfort of using a vendor with over a decade of experience involved in working across the full range of affiliate network providers.

The project outcome is a responsive, intuitive and automated affiliate website that means that you are then free to concentrate on promoting the project, optimising the site and earning the commissions.  When you spot your next opportunity to exploit the growth potential in Affiliate Marketing then send us your affiliate project ideas straight away. You can get in touch with the RevGlue bespoke project team at

The post Can You Stand Out with a Customised Affiliate Website and Mobile App? appeared first on PerformanceIN.
