Mustafa Mirreh INside Performance Marketing Fri, 30 Oct 2020 17:51:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 #PMA20: TIPi Group on Winning Most Effective Agency Thu, 26 Nov 2020 08:00:00 +0000 We spoke to TIPi Group who won Most Effective Agency at the 2020 Virtual Performance Marketing Awards

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Congratulations on winning Most Effective Agency at the 2020 Performance Marketing Awards! Tell us about your campaign and winning this award?

We are delighted to have won Most Effective Agency. We founded TIPi Group as an independent alternative to the big agency networks with effectiveness at its core, so to have beaten such a competitive field to win this accolade is really satisfying. It shows that we haven’t lost sight of our goals and encourages us to keep pushing on with our relentless pursuit of delivering exceptional ROI for our clients.

How did it feel to know that the industry helped support you to get this award?

It feels fantastic. We’re huge believers in the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing throughout the industry, and over the past few months, the selflessness of companies and individuals has really come to the fore.

The human touch has been a critical element of this year’s entries. How has team collaboration been vital to your campaign success?

As a small independent we think of ourselves very much as a people business. Our agency model (with four agencies working together within TIPi Group) is designed wholly with collaboration in mind – with discipline specialists from all over the digital landscape pooling their knowledge to deliver the best possible results for our clients. When we onboard clients we always ensure that they feel that we are becoming a part of their marketing team; we aim to always be available, accountable, and personable. Ultimately successful agency-client relationships are all about teamwork.

From your experiences, what qualities make an award-winning entry?

From my experience the three core aspects of an award-winning entry are clear strategic thinking, relevant and contextualised results, and a powerful and cohesive overarching narrative.

Lastly, what’s your take on the PMAs as a necessary vehicle for driving the performance marketing industry forward?

The PMAs are a fantastic vehicle for progression, they enable us to celebrate all that is good about our industry whilst encouraging us to learn from each other.

Catch up with all the winners from the 2020 Virtual Performance Marketing Awards.

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#PMA20: Winner Case Study – Medialab Group for National Trust Mon, 23 Nov 2020 08:00:00 +0000 Recap on this case study from Medialab Group for National Trust which won Best Travel, Leisure and Lifestyle Campaign at the 2020 Virtual Performance Marketing Awards.

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Our overarching objective was to continue growing the National Trust’s membership base by recruiting valuable long-term members to support our work protecting special places for everyone, forever. Membership is the Trust’s largest income stream, so it is vital that membership recruitment is optimised and any new testing is de-risked as much as possible. We had ambitious membership targets to achieve, with significant YOY growth – no mean feat, given that we had already delivered a record-breaking year for the Trust in the previous year, which had won us a DMA Best Customer Acquisition Gold Award.


Medialab set about transforming the National Trust’s media strategy, whilst managing any risk. In order to truly understand the drivers and barriers to continued growth within the ‘recruit to retain’ strategy we needed the ability to join up all the business units, customer data and activities in order to create a single, integrated view of The National Trust’s business. The solution to this was in our proprietary performance platform Apollo; Apollo organises and interrogates marketing campaign data, predicts outcomes and provides actionable insights to marketing teams.


Apollo enabled us to act faster by providing actionable insights to drive a more effective acquisition strategy. We were able to test different incentives and optimise this throughout the campaign period. 

Apollo also allowed us to develop a better understanding of the impact National Trust brand activity was having on DR activity and optimise accordingly when we saw an impact. We built on these learnings encouraging our primary audience to feel that NT provides life enhancing benefits to them and others by emotionally connecting them to stories of real people whose lives are enhanced by the places NT looks after. 

Creativity & innovation 

Creative and media planning worked in conjunction to build a journey that allowed engagement with the National Trust brand, whilst showcasing a consistent message throughout and celebrating places that make a nation. We phased the campaign using brand and direct recruitment elements at different times so we could effectively measure performance and we found that brand campaigns helped to drive the direct membership recruitment elements.

By using real peoples’ stories, we built an emotional connection with the audience and reinforced the positive impact that a place can have on someone. Using a selection of stories allowed us to identify and then distribute those that would be most effective based on context by channel.  

Data mining and analysis also allowed us to identify the right moments to effectively promote our brand message as well as run our memberships activity. Showcasing strong affinities by days of week, and more relaxed moments on Thursday to Sunday proved the optimal times where ad awareness and ultimately membership recruitment peaked.

By engaging with the audience, we invited people to join in and participate by using the hashtag #PlacesMatter, encouraging them to visit and join.


The ongoing use of insight has allowed us to optimise both acquisition and brand campaigns resulting in consecutive record-breaking years in terms of membership income and recruits.

National Trust put people at the heart of everything they did by focusing on value over pricing for the acquisition strategy. We were able to effectively use analysis to identify core audience segments and ensure that we reached the people who believed in the National Trust’s cause.

Whilst the brand campaign is a longer-term strategy, we’ve already seen brand metrics growing; the adoption of campaign phasing and positives around brand sentiment for the National Trust has resulted in more conversions.


Exceeding a record-breaking year for customer acquisition and retention for the National Trust membership base, Medialab’s proprietary technology, Apollo, enabled National Trust to have an integrated and single view of marketing performance. This allowed us to test and learn fast, recruiting more valuable members with minimal risk.

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#PMA20: Winner Case Study – NMPi by Incubeta Thu, 19 Nov 2020 08:00:00 +0000 Recap on this case study from NMPi by Incubeta which won Community Hero at the 2020 Virtual Performance Marketing Awards.

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A People & Culture committee was established, formed of staff volunteers, that led on the corporate social responsibility initiatives. Based on staff concerns, the recurring issues identified could be divided into four areas, therefore it was necessary to form four committees that reflected these areas. The four committees are as follows: The Charity Committee, The Mental Health Committee, The Diversity & Inclusion Committee and the Sustainability Committee.


Once formed, entirely at the hands of passionate staff volunteers, these committees created and implemented policies and procedures that supported their objectives.

The Charity committee implemented a charity days procedure within the HR platform which allowed staff to book paid days off for charity, eliminating the issue of not finding the time to give back to the community and providing the committee with an effective way to measure the number of charity days taken, track their progress and meet their objectives. The charity committee also set up a number of valuable partnerships with local charities, and sends a company wide monthly newsletter outlining the upcoming opportunities for that month.

The Mental Health committee undertook mental health training to become mental health advisers and be able to support the staff with such issues. They also partnered with an Employee Assistance Programme that provided immediate support and guidance to staff.

The Diversion & Inclusion Committee set about implementing a number of practices and procedures to regularly survey the thoughts and feelings of employees and ensure that the workspace is an inclusive and safe environment for everyone. Based on employee feedback, the committee was able to identify the key issues and implement effective policies.

The Sustainability Committee explored policies and procedures that could be implemented to hold the company accountable and to make a commitment to reduce its environmental impact. The committee also formed a partnership with The Planet Mark who helped NMPi plan, measure and implement continuous improvements to their carbon footprint.

People & Culture also introduced a surveying platform (Peakon), which is taken industry wide. Through a numerical scoring system the committees are able to measure the feeling of the entire staff which ensures that they are heading in the right direction.


The Charity Committee found that through the implementation of charity days and charity partnerships, staff were able to spend a total of 262 hours (in 2019) dedicated to local community work and raise £17,793 for charitable causes. The committee hit their yearly target, tripled what was made in 2018 and surpassed initial expectations.

The Mental Health Committee now has five Mental Health First Aid trained team members who are able to assist employees and conduct one on one confidential sessions. The committee has also hosted a number of external and internal webinars to educate others on the importance of mental wellbeing in the workplace and how to support the community around them.

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee identified the key areas that staff wanted to see improvements in, and, as a result, has reviewed policies and procedures across the company. The committee has hosted several speaking events, implemented training sessions and set up a number of affinity networks for women, LGBTQ+ and POC staff.

The Sustainability Committee, with the help of Planet Mark, introduced an initiative to cut down company carbon emissions by 10% YoY. The launch of this goal resulted in 64% of the workplace believing that Incubeta are doing enough to support sustainability, which is an increase of 34% in comparison to 2019. The committee has also run over 5 internal sessions to support sustainable employee engagement within the office and increase awareness.


Through establishing the People & Culture Committee, Incubeta recognised the need to acknowledge and act upon staff concerns which in turn allowed employees to contribute to Incubeta’s company culture, and feel more connected to the local community. Individually the four sub-committees have tackled independent issues which has fostered a collaborative spirit at the heart of Incubeta and enriched the lives of it’s employees.

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#PMA20: Winner Case Study – for Boohoo Mon, 16 Nov 2020 08:00:00 +0000 Recap on this case study from and Boohoo which won Best Content Marketing Campaign at the 2020 Virtual Performance Marketing Awards.

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Finder is the UK’s fastest-growing shopping and price comparison site. Finder’s fashion team had collaborated well with the fashion giant boohoo for two years, but both were keen to see what setting a hugely ambitious goal could achieve. We decided to embark together on a project to double sales for boohoo from Finder users, with the aim that 20% of orders were to come from new customers.


Our aim was revenue growth of 100% year on year. This was supported by secondary objectives on traffic growth and a defined proportion of growth coming from new customers. We also set ourselves a target for the number of pieces of fresh content we would publish to support seasonal launches.


Finder’s fashion editors and writers worked with stakeholders at boohoo and its affiliate networks to regularly plan and deliver fun seasonal and topical multi-channel content to delight both existing and new customers. Shared values made for seamless collaboration on content about sustainability and events like Pride.

Creativity & innovation

A key part of the strategy was Finder’s unique discovery content, bringing boohoo style to fans of similar fashion brands and creating new customers for boohoo.

As Finder’s fashion team are all boohoo fans, this made the excitement in our launch coverage truly authentic.

Outstanding planning and teamwork were critical to the success of the project. This created a truly shared understanding of boohoo’s brand, its goals, and its customers.


We smashed sales revenue targets with a year on year increase of 103%, while the proportion of orders from new customers was increased to 23%, also beating its target. Finder’s unique discovery content was key in achieving this. Hundreds of thousands of users were referred from to boohoo.


True collaboration needed the human touch to develop a deep understanding of what Finder could bring to customers and potential customers of boohoo. Through planning and fantastic teamwork, Finder’s multi-channel, perfectly timed, topical content reflected the values of the boohoo brand and delivered a result that smashed all our goals.

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#PMA20: Winner Case Study – The Groupon Reach Network and Awin for Dorothy Perkins Thu, 12 Nov 2020 08:00:00 +0000 Recap on the PMA winning case study from The Groupon Reach Network and Awin for Dorothy Perkins which won Best Fashion, Health and Beauty Campaign and Best Retail and E-Commerce Campaign

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Dorothy Perkins is a staple of the High Street and the Groupon Reach Network is a well known discount publisher that loves to push the boundaries of traditional affiliate marketing. The challenge was to change customers’ perception of the Dorothy Perkins brand – leading customers away from the ‘summer wardrobe’ looks Dorothy Perkins are most known for and more towards a ‘winter wardrobe’.


From the start of the campaign, Dorothy Perkins was clear on the objectives to pursue. The targets were selected to push the account further than previous years and needed to demonstrate a significant performance increase for their affiliate marketing strategy as a whole. Because of this, The Groupon Reach Network was benchmarked on:

  • 100% increase in revenue YoY
  • 90% increase in sales YoY
  • 30% Conversion Rate during peak periods YoY
  • 100% increase in instore sales YoY


To achieve the objectives the Groupon Reach Network needed to attract customers at all points of the purchase journey – inspiration, consideration, decision, conversion and pull on every platforms and channels available within the Reach Network.

  • Geo-listening & Time Sensitive Geo-conquesting – collecting location data and targeting users with an exclusive ‘Winter Wardrobe’ code & pushing exclusive DP messaging to users shopping in competitor stores
  • Microsite Quiz Competition – Segmenting data via different questions to re-target accordingly
  • Paid Social Pushes – pushing the microsite across social platforms to create new customer engagement
  • PPC Burst Campaign – driving traffic to the optimised merchant page to increase conversions
  • Onsite Banners + Email Sends – across all platforms to engage all users across GRN platforms
  • Mirror Winter Fashion Article Inclusion – featured in a fashion content piece ensures branding.
  • Mirror Social Platform Push – using an outside social platform to drive users to the exclusive code

Creativity & innovation

One of our more creative undertakings with this campaign was bringing Wheel of Fortune to Dorothy Perkins’ flagship Oxford Street store. There were various online and instore discounts that customers could win by spinning the wheel, and for added incentive, we also added higher value prizes to increase participation.

Our geo-conquest of competitor stores took a unique spin (excuse the pun) on average geo-campaigns. Instead of targeting the Dorothy Perkins stores, GRN actively incentivised users who shop with competitor brands with a strong discount. Additionally, the Microsite competition served as an innovative and engaging way to gather data throughout the campaign. We utilised paid social placements across all relevant platforms to attract customers, and with that strategy, we were able to expand beyond our database and interact with new users and customers too.


  • 193.48% increase in revenue achieved YoY
  • 209.38% increase in sales achieved YoY
  • 33.6% Conversion Rate during peak periods achieved YoY
  • 100% increase in in-store sales achieved YoY

The campaign excelled in all avenues and ensured an overwhelming revenue and sales increase for the brand while also hitting out conversion rate and instore targets. One standout exposure piece was the retargeting of the microsite competition. During the campaign period, this strategy contributed 30% to overall revenue generated. During the spinning wheel section of the campaign, we gave out 200 discounts – 65% of which then converted into sales.


The ‘Find Your Winter Wardrobe’ campaign for Dorothy Perkins centred around the idea of trying to change consumer perceptions of Dorothy Perkins’ winter offerings, as well as engaging audiences in a new and insightful way with our unique exposure opportunities for the brand with something special and new. By combining all elements of the campaign across every domain within the Groupon Reach Network, we were able to innovate by attracting customers at all points of the purchase journey – inspiration, consideration, decision, conversion and in-store too – across The Mirror, Mumsnet, The Guardian, Vouchercloud and Groupon.

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#PMA20: Winner Case Study – The Groupon Reach Network and Awin for NOW TV Mon, 09 Nov 2020 08:00:00 +0000 Recap on The Groupon Reach Network and Awin for NOW TV case study which won Best Technology and Telecoms Campaign at the 2020 Virtual Performance Marketing Awards

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Game of Thrones season 8 was coming, and NOW TV challenged us to increase users’ desire to stream and raise brand awareness in the lead up to season 8. We needed to demonstrate to as many users as possible that NOW TV was the exclusive place to view not only the final season, but also seasons 1-7, and was tasked with transcending BAU activity and putting together a truly innovative campaign.

KPIs were:

  • Utilise new channels & initiatives which result in a 60% increase in clicks and revenue YoY
  • Increase Brand awareness and engagement to increase conversions by 60% YoY
  • Demonstrate that NOW TV is the exclusive place to watch GoT Season 8


The core objective which NOW TV set out was to increase users’ desire to stream, and raise brand awareness in the lead up to season 8. We needed to demonstrate to as many users as possible that NOW TV was the exclusive place to view not only the final season but also seasons 1-7 including, new, existing and lapsed customers. There were a number of KPIs that would ultimately help us achieve this main objective. These were: Utilise new channels & initiatives which result in a 60% increase in clicks and revenue YoY Increase Brand awareness and engagement to increase conversions by 60% YoY Demonstrate that NOW TV is the exclusive place to watch GoT Season 8.


Breaking our execution down into three parts:

1) Launch,

2) Data Collection,

3) Retargeting and Engagement

We combined several unique elements to drive the campaign forward. These elements were:

1) Launch – Rich discount for the launch of our campaign with 50% off NOW TV’s Entertainment Pass, marketed to our 14million users

2) Data Collection

  • On-site competition
  • Social engagement microsite: What GoT character are you?
  • Geo listening in Harry Potter World & UK Cinemas, capturing 40k qualified and engaged users

3) Retargeting and Engagement

  • We then executed the retargeting of users captured in phase 2
  • We worked with two Instagram influencers with a previous expression of GoT interest and strong previous engagement
  • And we set up a second Paid Social microsite

Creativity & innovation

NOW TV’s requirements meant we could explore activity we had not before pursued with the brand. Utilising influencers, pushing content and engaging users through paid social and microsites to create a buzz (through user involvement via a discount code) were all areas we had yet to tap into during our partnership. This meant we could channel the build-up to the season finale and convert users on our site via engagement polls and quiz participation.

We collected data from a number of sources, plus existing data from past Game of Thrones campaigns, while also engaging with new users – all of which can bolster the performance of future campaigns. Throughout the campaign, we acted as an extension of the NOW TV brand.

To ensure we reached as many users as possible we strategically placed on-site exposure with The Mirror, Mumsnet and The Guardian, as well as the Groupon and Vouchercloud platforms. Bringing the uniqueness of the Groupon Reach Network to the forefront allowed us to send users to each platform from various channels we were using to increase traffic. Paid search, social, and targeted email sends built leakage-free user journeys to maximise the number of leads generated.


Overall, this was the most successful campaign we have run to date with NOW TV, achieving the highest revenue, subscription sales, new customer acquisition and overachieving on all KPI’s set pre-campaign. Based on the existing objectives, we successfully built brand awareness, conversions, over delivered on revenue targets, and positioned NOW TV as the only home of Game of Thrones season 8 in the UK and ROI. Benchmarked against the initial objectives, we achieved:

  • A massive revenue increase of 455%
  • Subscription sales increased 402%
  • A click increase of 107%

Via our social media brand engagement strategy, we drove 850k+ combined reach with a combination of 194k followers. Our chosen influencers managed to secure, 7k post likes, 205 comments and 50 competition entries. Overall, in line with increasing brand awareness during peak period, a huge 30% of customers were brand new to NOW TV, with 70% consisting of returning customers. Lapsed customers made up just 15% of this total.

The significant results we achieved here were met, in large part, due to the clear and decisive objectives set initially. Combining brand awareness with direct and actionable results was certainly a challenge, albeit one we met head-on. Generating a 455% increase in revenue along with a direct sale increase of 402% year on year was a huge achievement; one that could only have come from a combined and continually successful strategic offering.


Ultimately the NOW TV brief enabled us to tap into all areas of The Groupon Reach network, leaving no stone unturned when it came to driving them incredible levels of engagement across a truly exciting and unique campaign.

Influencers, whitelabel activity, microsites, competitions, rich offers, paid social, geo listening and retargeting all came together to deliver a KPI hitting campaign that we, and the client, were really proud of.

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#PMA20: MediaCom on Winning Best Paid Social Thu, 05 Nov 2020 08:00:00 +0000 We spoke to MediaCom who won Best Paid Social at the 2020 Virtual Performance Marketing Awards.

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Congratulations on winning Best Paid Social at the 2020 Performance Marketing Awards! Tell us about your campaign and winning this award?

Thank you! The award was for Tesco’s 2019 Easter campaign, which is an incredibly competitive season for supermarkets with the threat of customers trading out. This was the story of how we used Paid Social to find the right customers, hit them with a tailored message, and ultimately win them back – resulting in £1.5m incremental revenue and a ROAS of £8.97.

How did it feel to know that the industry helped support you to get this award?

It’s always meaningful to have a campaign which you’re incredibly proud of to be acknowledged by your peers and the industry as not only being notable but considered the best; which makes it all the more special. Particularly with the calibre of judges this year! This was our first Paid Social award of the season and gave us a real air of confidence.

The human touch has been a critical element of this year’s entries. How has team collaboration been vital to your campaign success?

Collaboration throughout – between Tesco, BBH and MediaCom – was perhaps the most important ingredient. We had stakeholders spanning multiple teams across all three organisations simultaneously pulling in the same direction – Tesco and MediaCom’s media teams leading on identifying the “who?” of it all and the right audience, Tesco’s insight team and BBH interpreting the “how?” and creating the most appropriate messaging, and then Tesco and MediaCom’s media teams returning for the “where?” to execute the campaign in the most impactful way.

From your experiences, what qualities make an award-winning entry?

There isn’t any set formula, but all of the best award winning work MediaCom and Tesco have produced is grounded in a true understanding of your audience and the challenges they face, and keeping that insight at the heart of everything you do throughout the campaign. A touch of razzle dazzle and strong results, never hurts either!

Lastly, what’s your take on the PMAs as a necessary vehicle for driving the performance marketing industry forward?

The PMAs are vital. The quality of all the nominees in the Best Paid Social category was amazing, and I’ve no doubt that each one of the agencies and brands involved will improve their standards in the coming years. If we want to retain this accolade, which we definitely do, we’ll need to push ourselves harder – all of this has a halo effect on the work in the industry.

Catch up with all the winners from the 2020 Virtual Performance Marketing Awards.

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PI LIVE Global – Day 4 Key Highlights Fri, 30 Oct 2020 17:51:11 +0000 A huge thank you to all the sponsors, partners and delegates for attending PI LIVE Global 2020. Catch up on our highlights from the final afternoon.

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We hope you’ve enjoyed PI LIVE Global as much as we did! A huge thank you to all the delegates, partners and sponsors for sharing our first virtual experience in a year of game-changing moments.

Check out our final highlights from the last afternoon:

Getting incrementality right

In this great panel session, Caroline Mulvihill along with Carla Arrindell (Optimise Media), Lauren Ogúndèkó (PHD UK) and Joanna Kenny (Acceleration Partners) provided a deep-dive into the concept of incrementality and opened a wider discussion around attribution and where credit should be awarded in the customer lifecycle. Summarising in a great football analogy of measuring assists to goal, Lauren criticised that in terms of attribution and rewarding the funnel, we should be much more advanced rather than relying on last-click while both Carla and Joanna added that businesses must fully buy-in to reviewing incrementality properly while investing in the right experts and doing tests to ensure openness and transparency is in the process.

In the next session, CJ Affiliate’s Kate Knight highlighted the reasons why the lack of loyalty was driving more opportunities for publishers in addition to how you can drive better strategic value with your partnerships. Touching on mobile e-commerce, consumer behaviour changes due to COVID-19 and more, Kate advised affiliates to evolve their programme offering in response to market changes as well as engaging with newer audiences and focusing more on the lower-tier partners to drive engagement.

Media drinks, quiz and aligning influencer and affiliate

Breaking up the final day of the show as it is a Friday, the PI LIVE Global Quiz took place with host Matt Bailey from ProductsUp putting the wits and trivia against the PI LIVE Global delegates. Then so after, a fire-side chat featuring Jess Brown (Awin), Briony Sheard (MediaCom North) and Ollie Keely (Twentysix) over some virtual media drinks as they discussed the importance of media meets up and building relationships in today’s climate as well as best practice for affiliates to working with agencies – such as being more collaborative, being real and transparent and providing the right information to begin working together efficiently.

Then lastly, in the final session of the virtual conference, the alignment of influencer marketing and performance marketing came to centre stage as the likes of TikTok (Joel Williams), Cult Beauty (Chikay Lo), Cabtree & Evelyn (Glosinda Goes) and the CMA (Rob John) shared views on striking the right balance for brands and influencers to work together whilst more education and innovation was needed to fairly reward and attribute influencers lower down the funnel.

50% off on Video Vault!

That’s everything from us at the very first edition of PI LIVE Global and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. 

If you have a spare few minutes, we really value your feedback and it would be great if you could take the time to fill out our feedback form on how we can improve the show next year!

Remember, if there’s anything you missed you can get access to our Video Vault, currently 50% off. But hurry, the offer expires at midnight!

A huge thank you to all the sponsors, partners and delegates for attending PI LIVE Global 2020 and we hope to see you at the next one!

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PI LIVE Global – Day 3 Key Highlights Thu, 29 Oct 2020 18:52:42 +0000 Catch up on Day 3 highlights of PI LIVE Global featuring talks from Webgains, Gymshark, Tipser, Condé Nast and more.

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The third afternoon of PI LIVE Global brought some game-changing sessions across the board. Here are just some of our favourite highlights from the day:

Building for a better future

Kicking off Day 3, Webgains managing director Alona Malinovska discussed how vital digital transformation was in today’s affiliate marketing landscape whilst offering recommendations to better planning and budgeting your strategies in order to future proof your business. Some of these tips included analysing key data and staying agile in your processes, investing in lifelong learning and talent, supporting your staff and looking at new ways of working to keep up to date with the digital era.

Meanwhile, DTC brands were high on the agenda and this great panel discussion featuring Gymshark’s Calum Waton, Gousto’s Tom Wallis, Broom & Wild’s Lindsey Newell and Zenith Media’s Tim Waddington shared sound advice on what retailer brands can learn from the success of DTC. Touchpoints mentioned were accessibility to data and being reactive with it, sticking to your core principles and listening to your consumers in addition of being more authentic as a brand, working with the right people and mindset and lastly, reinvesting in experience through tech and testing to creating memorable customer experiences.

The final evolution of affiliate marketing

Tipser CMO Lassi Eronen gave an insightful talk into the next step of affiliate marketing and how brands and retailers can create a mutually beneficial relationship by offering commerce at the point of inspiration. Lassi explained that making a healthy ecosystem, where everyone thrives together, was key but moving the buying transaction point to the media platform from the shop will immediately change and drive twice as much commissions, conversions and brand exposure. Next up, Jo Hayes from Genie Shopping gave an excellent talk on CSS Shopping and how working with CSS partners can not only compliment your affiliate programmme but also provide you with the resources, data and competitive advantage to achieve incremental revenue.

Luxury brand partnerships and data

Wrapping up the afternoon of sessions, Condé Nast senior commerce partnerships manager Jacqueline Wladis gave a brilliant talk on the maths side of affiliate marketing, and for publishers and merchants specifically, to align their goals, review the revenue formula and utilising data to inform your decisions to fully flourish partnerships. Then in the last panel session of the day, Wladis, as well as Jared Field from Browns, discussed the rising trend of luxury brands taking on affiliate and some of their unique approaches to partnerships, including loyalty, diversifying their programmes, matching core values and sustainability and exploring new data points to drive more incrementality.

And, how can we forget The Late Show third edition with Chris Johnson as host with some special guests as they discussed the Service vs Solution debate, top trends and rating speaker’s zoom backgrounds.

Thanks again for tuning into PI LIVE Global today and see you at 14.00pm GMT tomorrow for one last afternoon of performance marketing!

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#PMA20: Acceleration Partners on Winning Best Team in Performance Marketing Thu, 29 Oct 2020 08:00:00 +0000 We spoke to AcceleratIon Partners client services director, EMEA & APAC, Stephanie Swan on their team winning Best Team in Performance Marketing at the 2020 Virtual Performance Marketing Awards.

The post #PMA20: Acceleration Partners on Winning Best Team in Performance Marketing appeared first on PerformanceIN.

Congratulations on winning Best Team in Performance Marketing at the 2020 Performance Marketing Awards! Tell us about your campaign and winning this award?

Thanks! It was a bit disappointing that we couldn’t collect it in person, but we did watch the awards together as a team and were able to celebrate together virtually!

We were delighted to win the award this year particularly as Acceleration Partners EMEA hub only launched in 2017. It’s a great testimony to the hard work the whole team has contributed over the last few years. We aimed to bring something unique to the EMEA market. As an independent partner marketing agency we work with all networks and SaaS platforms and tailor our offering to each of our clients. 

We had a particularly successful 2019, more than doubling our client revenue, portfolio and team. In the award we were able to point to great successes across our client base with innovative new partnerships and growth results for our clients. 

The human touch has been a critical element of this year’s entries. How has team collaboration been vital to your campaign success?

As we’re 100% remote company we have had to put in place some robust structures around building the human touch into our interactions and collaboration time, this is even down to how we structure our 1:1s, team meetings and setting objectives and cross-team goals with each other to ensure we’re pulling together as a team.  We work to encourage a lot of cross-team collaboration, for example out partner development team work closely with our client services team to source and activate out-of-the-box partner opportunities for our clients. 

With our clients, we act as a true extension of their in-house marketing teams and focus on transparent communication and building a vision that meets our clients’ goals. 

As a business, we place a lot of importance on overall team wellbeing and happiness, offering flexibility for individuals to use benefits and the hours in their day in a way that works best for them.  Teams who are engaged and happy at work will inevitably deliver better work for our clients and feel valued.

From your experiences, what qualities make an award-winning entry?

The standard of submissions for the PMAs is always incredibly high, so for me, the main two things are the combination of a great idea but also the results to go along with it. There’s a lot of innovation and exciting things happening but being able to tie together a unique application of the affiliate marketing model and a successful story is crucial.

Lastly, what’s your take on the PMAs as a necessary vehicle for driving the performance marketing industry forward?

The Performance Marketing Awards recognise and award the most successful campaigns in our industry. They are an excellent opportunity for the industry to come together and celebrate the most effective and innovative campaigns. 

Spreading awareness of performance marketing campaigns that show momentum and results is a great way to showcase the value of our channel and ensures we continue to raise the bar every year!

Catch up with all the winners from the 2020 Virtual Performance Marketing Awards.

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