Nielsen Visual IQ INside Performance Marketing Tue, 07 Apr 2020 11:29:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Goodbye Last-Touch Attribution? Time to Use Multi-Touch Attribution Tue, 26 Feb 2019 10:00:00 +0000 Jim Nail, principal analyst at Forrester and Nielsen Visual IQ’s CMO, Wayne St. Amand discuss why marketers should be moving away from last-touch attribution to multi-touch attribution to successfully measure their campaigns.

The post Goodbye Last-Touch Attribution? Time to Use Multi-Touch Attribution appeared first on PerformanceIN.


Access the webinar in full via Nielsen Visual IQ’s website.

When it comes to performance campaign measurement, many marketers are still using the most basic form of measurement – last-touch attribution. Looking only at conversions misses a good deal of the impact of digital advertising as a whole, that’s why multi-touch attribution — allocating credit across all marketing touchpoints— is gaining momentum. But some marketers are still unfamiliar on how to take full advantage of this more robust approach.

In this on-demand webinar, guest speaker Jim Nail, principal analyst at Forrester, and Nielsen Visual IQ’s CMO, Wayne St. Amand explore why marketers should make the move to multi-touch attribution. They share insights and best practices, including:

  • Common challenges marketers face when transitioning to multi-touch attribution
  • How to make your multi-touch attribution engagement a success
  • The kinds of results marketers can expect when moving to multi-touch attribution

The post Goodbye Last-Touch Attribution? Time to Use Multi-Touch Attribution appeared first on PerformanceIN.
