Antonia Faulkner INside Performance Marketing Fri, 24 Apr 2020 14:36:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 COVID-19 and the Long Term Value of App Downloads Fri, 24 Apr 2020 14:34:56 +0000 Both apps and publishers have benefited from a huge surge in traffic. How they retain these new audiences will define their success well beyond COVID-19.

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Is there an app for that? 

In the time of COVID-19, most of us are relying on apps more than ever as they become central to our day-to-day routine. The stats supporting this claim are overwhelming, app downloads are certainly on the rise. In the US alone, categories such as groceries, restaurant deliveries, remote working and telehealth have all seen a well over 50% increase in app downloads in February 2020 vs. December 2019. While apps are happy to be benefiting from more downloads, what they should be thinking about is metrics like Lifetime Value. Downloads are the first step, but the end goal is retaining customers well after the pandemic is over. 

App-performance during COVID-19

In a poll taken at the App Promotion Summit in early April, 86% of marketers said they had amended their marketing plans in light of the crisis and the vast majority of them thought Lifetime Value was the most important metric. On Outbrain’s Native platform we are seeing that brands who are adapting to the crisis – testing new images, headlines or targeting – are getting excellent results, far beyond just downloads. Unsurprisingly, on average between February and March we saw lower cost per install across the board, ranging from 33% lower for education apps all the way up to 46% lower for health and fitness apps. However even more interestingly, these same brands are also seeing lower cost per in app conversion, ranging from 17% lower for finance brands, up to 46% lower for health and fitness apps. And last but certainly not least, Lifetime Value is up by up to 30% for verticals such as gaming. 

Playing the long game

During this COVID-19 period, a comparison can be drawn between apps and publishers, both are benefiting from a huge surge in new users. While apps have had an easier time monetising these users in the short term, both must think beyond the current bump in numbers and implement strategies that will allow them to retain these new audiences well after COVID-19. As they acquire qualified users that have the potential to become loyal users or subscribers, marketers like publishers are testing and learning for the winning strategies. A lot of learnings can be taken from former (smaller) surges in traffic around world events such as elections and global sporting events.

More than ever marketers should be focusing on channels that bring in qualified users versus just quantity of users. With so much scale widely available, the focus should be on identifying the users that will not just download your app but will actually use your app. 

Is content still king? 

This is where a debate around the role of content comes into play. The marketers polled at the App Promotion Summit were split down the middle on this question. In terms of conversions alone, 53% thought sending the user straight to the app store was more effective, whereas 43% thought sending them to a content page was more effective. Testing scenarios is probably now more than ever the key to success, as we all navigate these strange and uncertain times. 

Innogames, an early adopter of Native, is a great example of a brand that is always testing. The video game company specialises in desktop and mobile games, and while their games are

free-to-play. They opt to monetise through in-game purchases. In their campaign for Forges of Empires for instance, depending on the device, the user was redirected to either a landing page hosted on the InnoGames site or sent directly to the App Store/Google Play Store. Using the right targeting tools they were able to reach the right audience on the right device/OS and maximize the profitability of each new user. 

Relevancy reigns supreme 

What makes the current COVID-19 crisis so unique for marketers, if that we cannot plan ahead. While there is plenty of guessing and theories as to when life will return to normal, or perhaps a new kind of normal, more than ever it is essential that brands stay on the pulse of what is relevant and how that is changing week on week. 

In March, we saw a huge surge in audiences across Outbrain’s premium publisher site engaging with content related to health, recreation, technology and business and finance. A few weeks later we already see those numbers changing with categories such as entertainment taking the lead. More than ever marketer must keep their finger on the pulse of what their audiences want and ensure their message is relevant. 

What to expect next? 

While we continue to deal with the many unknowns, one thing has become abundantly clear – consumers are, and will continue to, adapt during this crisis, For app users that might mean downloading new types of apps or using existing apps differently. Dating app Tinder for instance, might have expected a decrease in activity following social distancing and lockdowns across most countries. Instead, they gained a 20% increase in conversations since February, and on March 29th had their busiest day for swipes in the app’s history. Singletons have adapted to their new environment and marketers must too. 

More data from App Annie, confirms that “time spent in apps in Italy grew 30% in March from Q4 2019, while France, Germany, and the US have all had 15%, 10% and 10% growth respectively.” While engagement is high, what the data does not tell us is how many apps that attention spreads across. It’s one thing to download an app, it’s another to make it part of your daily routine.

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Partners Going Above and Beyond to Support the Performance Marketing Community Thu, 16 Apr 2020 16:11:07 +0000 Here's a roundup of how partners are going the extra mile to support the performance marketing community during the Coronavirus pandemic.

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With all the headlines at the moment on the Coronavirus pandemic, and the way we do business continues to shift, we wanted to put a positive spin and highlight the partners in the performance marketing community that are making a difference in supporting brands, publishers, consumers and NHS staff during these times.

PerformanceIN has collated all the good things that have emerged in the last few weeks, all in one place for you to catch up but also to showcase the tremendous work the performance marketing community is doing.

Here are just a handful of things that have happened so far:

Furloughed Foodies

Having been recently furloughed due to the global crisis, affiliate marketer Chloe Hall along with several peers have started up a new initiative in London known as Furloughed Foodies — provide wholesome and healthy meals for frontline NHS staff in the UK during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Waiving fixed fees for start-ups

This was something we highlighted recently and a very supportive move from the UK team at Awin who’ve is giving start-ups and SMEs a helping hand. The team have waived the monthly fee for the first three months for companies launching an affiliate programme, using its Awin Access self-managed solution, in addition to zero setup fees.

In-Home Savings

Across the pond, performance marketing agency All Inclusive Marketing have been rolling out some great offers and products from some of their top clients via affiliate programs to support families in North America and around the world during this challenging time.

Give Back Program

Skimlinks has been supporting many merchants that are giving back to the community to help front-line workers, stimulate the economy and raise donations to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The team has highlighted the merchants who are carrying out good duties via the Give Back program, promoting them across their global network.

Supporting people to maximise performance from home

Performance marketing and lead generation platform Databowl has been supporting new customers working from home with 50% off on all its software services throughout the lockdown period. In addition, they’re rolling out a free custom landing page, giving clients everything they need to boost lead generation and maximise performance during the pandemic.

Working from home spaces

Many people around the world have been adjusting to working from home in the last few weeks. For some, this has proven to be a swift transition while for others, it has been a bit of a struggle. However, for the global team at CJ Affiliate, and a way to boost positivity and morale during these times, employees have shared their working from home spaces as part of a new volume series. Check it out which features so cool, innovative and friendly workspaces.

Resource centres

They’re been a number of resource hubs and centres from networks and platforms, bringing daily updates on the global pandemic’s impact on the economy, marketing channels and more. The likes of Awin, CJ Affiliate, Rakuten Advertising and more have been providing updates reports and insights into the latest performance and consumer behaviour trends.

Furthermore, they’ve continued to provide sound advice and guidance to advertisers and publishers throughout this time on coping with the ongoing changes, ensuring that businesses continue to flourish in the coming months.

Digital Virtual Day

Affiliate marketing platform Pepperjam recently launched its Digital Partner Day to provide a means for brands and publishers to continue to connect virtually. The company has run two events to date with more set to come in supporting clients to grow and move forward in the coming months.

Call to arms on PPE shortages 

Full-service influencer marketing agency, The Fifth, is supporting Frontline.Live, an open-data platform for frontline healthcare workers to communicate what personal protective equipment (PPE) they need in real-time.

Currently, the supply and demand for PPE are not digitised across the country, however with Frontline.Live’s platform, healthcare workers are empowered to tweet their needs and postcode on social media to create a live map of what is needed on a daily basis and where. To support, The Fifth is generating a call to arms for influencers, talent agencies, fellow influencer agencies, journalists, politicians and anyone with a social presence or connection to frontline healthcare workers to be a part of the awareness campaign to make a genuine impact across the nation. 

Redu’s small act of kindness to NHS staff

North East firm Redu has launched a new benefits app to reward brave front line workers with small acts of kindness from the public.

The Seaham-based tech company created Front Line Rewards as a gesture of thanks to the selfless heroes caring for us in our time of need.

Members of the public and businesses are able to make donations via the Front Line Rewards website. These donations are randomly allocated to NHS workers who have the Front Line Rewards app. To date (April 20), £3155 has been donated to NHS staff.

Know of any partners who are going above and beyond to helping the performance marketing community during this period? Let us know and we’ll add it to our list which will be updated daily as news comes in.

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