Affise INside Performance Marketing Thu, 31 Mar 2022 15:17:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Case Study: How to Achieve Exceptional Revenue and CR Through Partnerships Fri, 11 Feb 2022 12:53:26 +0000 Creating attractive offers is one of the steps to a successful partner programme. The better your offer is, the more your partners will love to promote it. This will help your brand bring quality traffic and engage with potential partners. However, more than creating an excellent offer, business owners need a complete platform that allows [...]

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Creating attractive offers is one of the steps to a successful partner programme. The better your offer is, the more your partners will love to promote it. This will help your brand bring quality traffic and engage with potential partners. However, more than creating an excellent offer, business owners need a complete platform that allows them to manage these offers effectively. 

When talking about brands that operate globally, it’s even more critical to work with adequate resources, as campaign management often involves a broad base of partners, different currency categories, languages, and others. For this reason, many brands are eager to find the best platforms to achieve their goals. 

These businesses are looking for solutions that offer key features for this market, such as advanced automation, fraud protection, and more. After all, the right platform is a game-changer.

Let’s look at how BCNMonetize, a company with an international team of mobile marketing experts communicating with its customers in more than ten languages, successfully developed and drove the adoption of Affise in its business.

About BCNMonetize

Founded in Barcelona in 2016, BCNMonetize is a leading mobile advertising agency that helps other companies of all sizes generate a high ROI from their advertising investments. The company believes that innovation is key in digital marketing. It is essential to help brands make the most of their data through tailored video and display ads to re-target users and boost conversions. 

Their clients include Souq by Amazon, Fiverr, Monese, Trendyol, Unibet, Snapbook, Starzplay, Shahid, eToro, Fintonic, and eCooltra. In this context, the challenge is to manage hundreds of affiliates working on mobile marketing campaigns for clients across multiple channels and geographic locations.


Before starting with Affise, BCNMonetize experimented with using affiliate marketing platforms to manage client campaigns. However, without success, and for a while, they used limited and sometimes inaccurate tracking platforms. 

The biggest challenge was managing the affiliate offers effectively, as the company works with multiple partners and several campaigns for clients across different locations. The previous solutions were billed on a per-click basis and did not offer advanced automation and anti-fraud features, which was another problem.

So, the company was looking for a solution to improve traffic quality, automate routine tasks, and maximise conversion rates without bringing additional resources to its team. This scenario brought BCNMonetize to Affise.


BCNMonetize started running, measuring, analysing, and optimising its mobile partner marketing campaigns with Affise. One of the key reasons for choosing the platform was the suite of optimisation and automation tools, which helped them build advertiser confidence and grow exponentially.


After a few months of using Affise, BCNMonetize began to see significant quality improvements:

  • 300% revenue growth;
  • CR increased by 7.5x times;
  • 66% decrease in suspicious traffic.

Case studies like this one help marketers plan a marketing strategy effectively. In addition, choosing the right platform for campaigns is always a good investment, significantly when maximising growth opportunities. For this reason, when planning the next step, be sure to partner with platforms that effectively explore the growth opportunities of different segments in marketing.

See the complete case study on the Affise website to know which features help BCNMonetize achieve its goals.

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How to Promote a Partner Programme Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:48:33 +0000 Rapidly growing brands are three times more likely to have partner marketing among their strategies. Still, finding and acquiring new partners remains one of the main challenges and biggest expenses for brands.  The key to unlocking the tremendous potential of partnerships for business growth may lay in the well-thought-through promotion of brands’ partnership programmes. We’re [...]

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Rapidly growing brands are three times more likely to have partner marketing among their strategies. Still, finding and acquiring new partners remains one of the main challenges and biggest expenses for brands. 

The key to unlocking the tremendous potential of partnerships for business growth may lay in the well-thought-through promotion of brands’ partnership programmes. We’re going to reveal the main tactics and ways to spread the word about a partner programme.

Get your partner marketing assets prepared

Before kicking promotional activities off, make sure you’re fully prepared for the influx of potential partners. A thorough examination of your partner programme and marketing assets related to it will be a starting point in this journey. 

You may begin with revising the scope of products you include in your partner programme. Not everything your company offers can be a good fit for promotion through partner or publisher resources. To determine the right products, keep in mind the potential partners’ expertise and their target audience.

The next step is the programme’s policy and rules check. They may include the allowed promotional methods, performance requirements, cookie lifetime, and other conditions. Pay special attention to payment terms – the size of commissions, payment methods, the payout schedule, and so on. All of the things listed above should be clearly and thoroughly described and explained to potential partners.

With that out of the way, you may proceed to prepare your programme for promotion with content and collateral revision. Brand guidelines, banner templates, product reviews and tutorials, high-quality videos, articles, and infographics will make your partners’ lives easier and help you keep your branding incredibly consistent. Creating partner marketing content may be a conundrum for starters. To reduce friction and get some inspiration, follow our 12 creative content ideas for affiliate marketers.

Partner programme landing page is a go-to place for aspiring publishers and partners. To hook them, you may need to include the following elements: 

  1. A catchy headline built around your unique selling proposition, such as high commissions or the possibility to grow fast.
  2. The list of benefits your partner programme offers.  
  3. Partner testimonials or other social proofs.
  4. Strong and eye-catching calls to action encouraging to participate in your programme.

If your programme’s missing such crucial elements as policy and rules, information about commissions, or marketing collateral, you may need to take a pause and restart it. Discover the main steps to take before launch and the best practices to achieve desired results with your programme.

Diversify your partner programme promotional channels

The surefire way to spread the word about your partner programme is by testing various promotional channels, measuring their effectiveness, and doubling down on the top-performing options. Consider starting with inbound marketing strategies, which allow you to attract potential partners natively and keep them engaged in the long run.

Aspiring partners often search for new offers and programmes to join online, which makes SEO a must-have practice for partner programme promotion. Optimise your website or landing page for industry-related keywords coupled with “affiliate programme,” “affiliate offers,” and “affiliate links.”

Content marketing is another strategy that can work magic for partner programme promotion. If you decide to lean on it, make sure the content you create provides value for your potential partners. To deliver it, explore what they want to achieve with partner marketing and help them in this journey. For instance, you may craft a video explaining how to monetise blogs or increase reach and natively promote your partner programme in it.

Another strategy that continues to deliver excellent results is email marketing. A simple announcement about the partner programme launch sent to your subscribers can bring you first partners while costing $0. You can also use a regular newsletter to remind the readers about the partner programme, add the “become a partner” CTA to your email signature, and more.

The main thing to remember when working with inbound strategies is that you’ll probably start getting results at least a couple of months after the launch. To win over some partners straightaway, combine inbound with the outbound marketing strategies or direct selling to potential partners.

One of the most common tactics is employing paid advertising. It allows you to expand the reach, get immediate results, and pay only for the outcomes you get. Test various creatives and keep the balance to make your banners flashy but not irritating to achieve the best results. Make sure your ads are optimised for mobile to avoid losing tons of traffic generated from smartphones. 

Another outbound tactic is reaching potential partners directly. Create a list of the brands, content creators, or influencers you want to partner with to get the ball rolling. Sticking to micro influencers with a narrow but dedicated audience and niche brands will help you expand your partner list without breaking the bank and make each marketing dollar go further. 

If you’re struggling to name even a few potential partners, industry or affiliate forums and groups may help you spot the most promising market players. We’ve collected the most useful and active affiliate marketing forums and communities to help you out.

Make use of technology

Addressing agencies or affiliate networks is another common way to acquire partners. It lets you get rid of the manual work and save time on the programme promotion. However, trusting this matter to the intermediary is not a flawless tactic.

When addressing a third party, you may encounter such challenges as the lack of control over the partner selection process, inability to build effective relationships with partners, and hindered access to data and partner performance assessment. Eventually, it prevents you from scaling your partner programme efficiently.  

Having up-to-date partner programme management technology at hand can help you eliminate these challenges. Look for modern partner marketing platforms, which not only offer automation, tracking, and analytics but also provide the functionality to recruit partners and foster relationships with them. Adding such a partnership management solution to your programme promotional strategy will help you get unlimited access to various types of partners in one place, achieve the ownership of the data and partner relationships, as well as the flexibility to tweak your partner programmes and campaigns to achieve the best results.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to a Successful Partnership Wed, 19 Jan 2022 10:09:00 +0000 MEMBER EXCLUSIVE Become a free member for instant access to this article and all other Member Exclusive content on PerformanceIN. Members also receive our weekly newsletter roundup, “Pick ‘N’ Mix”, delivered each Thursday. Sign up for a free account! Already a member? Sign in to your account

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Become a free member for instant access to this article and all other Member Exclusive content on PerformanceIN. Members also receive our weekly newsletter roundup, “Pick ‘N’ Mix”, delivered each Thursday.

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Affise Successfully Completes SOC 2 Type II Certification Mon, 06 Dec 2021 09:53:30 +0000 Affise, the global technology leader in partnerships management and automation, has completed its SOC 2 Type II audit. The certification demonstrates Affise’s compliance with the most strict standards for service companies.  SOC 2 is the audit developed by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA). The procedure evaluates a company’s compliance to the “trust [...]

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Affise, the global technology leader in partnerships management and automation, has completed its SOC 2 Type II audit. The certification demonstrates Affise’s compliance with the most strict standards for service companies. 

SOC 2 is the audit developed by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA). The procedure evaluates a company’s compliance to the “trust service principles” – security, availability, confidentiality, processing integrity, and privacy. 

To obtain the SOC 2 Type II certification, Affise has undergone a thorough examination of internal control policies and practices. Additionally, the assessment reviewed Affise IT infrastructure, software development life cycle, change management, logical security, network security, physical and environmental security, and computer operations. The audit was performed by the independent CPA firm Dansa D’Arata Soucia LLP in duration of eleven months. 

For Affise partners and customers, the completion of SOC 2 Type II audit is a quality certificate that demonstrates the company’s trustworthiness and dedication to providing top-notch service.

Dmitri Zotov, Affise Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer said: “Affise is committed to providing its customers with an efficient, transparent, and reliable solution. Keeping the data safe and ensuring our platform uptime at 99.99% are our top priorities.

“SOC 2 Type II certification not only demonstrates Affise compliance with the most stringent industry standards. It allows us to further improve our platform, services, and the whole of the organisation’s security.”

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How to Measure ROI in Partner Marketing Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:37:05 +0000 Partner marketing is an effective way to boost brand awareness, expand online presence, attract new customers, and increase sales. Partnerships are a marketing channel that affects companies’ bottom lines dramatically – over half of businesses say partnerships drive more than 20% of their revenue. Although partner marketing can work magic, some partner programmes still miss [...]

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Partner marketing is an effective way to boost brand awareness, expand online presence, attract new customers, and increase sales. Partnerships are a marketing channel that affects companies’ bottom lines dramatically – over half of businesses say partnerships drive more than 20% of their revenue.

Although partner marketing can work magic, some partner programmes still miss the mark and deliver poor results compared with the investments brands make into them. To figure out the profitability of partner marketing, marketers need to work out a partner programme return on investment (ROI).

Generally, we know that we calculate ROI by the following formula:

(Benefit – Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment x 100% = ROI

So, if you’ve spent $30.000 on specific marketing activity and gained $60.000, your return on investments would be

($60.000 – $30.000) / $30.000 x 100% = 100%

Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it?

Things get more complicated when it comes to partner marketing and a particular partner programme. There are three points that make measuring ROI in this channel a conundrum.

  1. Marketers don’t see the whole picture. Usual marketing tools, such as CRMs, do not allow companies to gain all the information they need about conversion rates and other marketing results. 
  2. The customer journey is complicated. Clicking your link on a partner’s website and making a purchase off the bat it’s rarely the case. On average, potential customers take more steps before buying something. 
  1. There are too many factors at play. Focusing solely on the profits you gain from partner marketing is a wrong tactic. This type of marketing requires a more holistic approach. 

As you can see, partner marketing is a sophisticated marketing tactic with many moving parts. So, leaning solely on the cost-to-benefit ratio to measure its ROI is no longer the option.

How to work out the return on investments for partner marketing?

Companies stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea when measuring their partner marketing ROI. On the one hand, they need to evaluate their performance to make the right data-driven decisions. On the other hand, they can’t reduce partner marketing results to sales metrics only. To calculate your marketing partner efforts’ profitability, you may adhere to the combination of the following tactics.

Measure your partner programme effectiveness

Though the effectiveness of a partner programme you’re running isn’t equal to effectiveness of all your partner marketing activities, it tells a lot. Measuring the partner marketing programme ROI alone is relatively easy — all you need is to set goals and frame key performance indicators.

The KPIs for partner programme effectiveness might be:

  • The specific number of leads a partner programme brings;
  • The revenue a partner programme generates;
  • The average deal size by each partner;
  • The engagement rates across the channels a partner programme employs, etc. 

Measuring KPIs and optimising your partner marketing campaigns takes a lot of time and effort. With dozens of traffic sources and partners involved, it’s impossible to process the data manually. Thus, your partner marketing needs automation. Consider trying marketing tools, which allow not only to track the campaign performance but also facilitate reaching the key performance indicators. The latter often includes CR optimisation, Smartlinks, caps management, BI integrations, fraud prevention, etc.

Implementing a partner marketing software can enable you to set the desirable campaign results, block conversions that don’t fit into a needed paradigm and disconnect low-performing partners. So, you can focus only on the most promising audience and achieve your partner marketing outcomes.

Employ the marketing attribution

Potential customers make winding ways to the purchase. Often, a lead interacts with a brand through dozens of touch points and various partners. Some of these partners make the first touch, and others nurture leads. Both acquisition and lead nurturing efforts may deserve credit depending on the goals of a partner marketing campaign. 

Companies need a multi-touch attribution model to track the customer journey and reward partners according to their contribution. However, businesses often lack the knowledge of more sophisticated attribution models and track only the first or the last click.

Attribution models built to a business’ needs and peculiarities help measure partner marketing ROI accurately. To create such an attribution, merchants need end-to-end analytics with an automated data import. On top of that, the software should let you store information in one place, so it’s easy to access it and build an attribution model. 

With the attribution model advertisers can understand which partners, marketing channels and ads perform best and estimate the amount of credit each ad interaction gets for the conversions.  Hence, it helps marketers to optimise across conversion journeys. All together, it results in a possibility to predict CR boost and estimate ROI more accurately. 

Evaluate partner engagement and satisfaction

Partner engagement and satisfaction are hard to measure precisely. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t downplay the effect they have on partner marketing success and return on investments. 

The more your partners are engaged, the better results you’ll get from your marketing activities. To evaluate partner engagement and satisfaction across various types, geography, and programmes, you may stick to the following criteria:

  • The frequency of visiting your partner portal;
  • Interaction with your marketing assets;
  • Involvement in your marketing campaigns and other activities;
  • Participation in training, etc.

To measure these things more or less precisely, you can employ partner marketing automation software, survey tools, and direct communication with partners. As a result, you’ll get the idea if you need to make any changes to your partner marketing to increase conversion rates.

Measuring partner marketing ROI far and wide isn’t a piece of cake. Apart from monitoring the referral programme’s effectiveness, it requires you to build a custom marketing attribution model and evaluate partners’ engagement and satisfaction.

Working out ROI may take extra effort and expenditures, e.g., spendings on partner management software. However, knowing how exactly partner marketing affects your bottom line and being able to make data-driven decisions worth every penny.

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