PI Network - PerformanceIN https://performancein.com/pi-network/ INside Performance Marketing Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:58:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.4 Perfecting Publisher Partnerships: Developing More Profitable Affiliate Programmes https://performancein.com/news/2022/10/25/perfecting-publisher-partnerships-developing-more-profitable-affiliate-programmes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=perfecting-publisher-partnerships-developing-more-profitable-affiliate-programmes Tue, 25 Oct 2022 08:58:24 +0000 https://performancein.com/?p=69191 While most of the focus of partnership marketing has been on brands, publishers have enormous opportunities to embrace this channel and develop their businesses. As consumers seek content to guide their buying decisions, they are in a strong position to expand their monetisation options by helping brands engage their valuable content and audiences.   And technology [...]

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While most of the focus of partnership marketing has been on brands, publishers have enormous opportunities to embrace this channel and develop their businesses. As consumers seek content to guide their buying decisions, they are in a strong position to expand their monetisation options by helping brands engage their valuable content and audiences.  

And technology is evolving to address the needs of publishers so they can take advantage of every revenue opportunity. Here are four areas where it can make a difference:

  1. Growing your partnerships and opportunities quicker. The faster an advertiser partner can be onboarded, the faster both parties benefit. But onboarding has traditionally been a one-way process with brands determining who to work with and then instigating publisher partnerships. At impact.com we’ve flipped this. Publishers can now connect with brands they want to work with without them having to be part of an affiliate network or on our platform. Publishers can offer their own white-label programmes, providing advertisers with a link to quickly set up an account at no cost to the advertiser. This reduces the timeframes to get partners up and running. It allows publishers to engage directly with the brands they can support and easily onboard them without relying on third-party networks – meaning both can begin to make money quicker.  
  1. Automating your payment and performance reporting. Even if a publisher has in-house technology to support elements of its partnership programme, when it comes to proving performance and managing partner payments, most rely on manual approaches. But invoicing, extracting data from multiple networks and Google Analytics and developing reports remain resource-heavy and time-consuming. Meanwhile, it’s challenging to track content performance and provide the regular reports that brands need to monitor the success of their activity and prove the value of working with a partner. This is a huge issue for many publishers, so take advantage of automated technology that solves it.     
  1. Maximising the value of your current – and past – content. Defunct links and out-of-stock items rapidly deplete the value of e-commerce content. And for consumers, these are major frustrations when looking to buy the products they’re reading about. But beyond this annoyance, finding an out-of-stock item leads them to go elsewhere to buy it, depriving the brand of sales and the publisher of commission. Publishers must invest in technology that automatically checks links and stock levels so broken ones can be updated and out-of-stock items redirected to a different brand or similar item. This ability to react automatically, without needing to go into the website, is critical for publishers to maintain sales and not lose opportunities.

It also extends the value of content. Some publishers’ highest-earning affiliate articles can be several years old. But while consumers might still be discovering or referring back to these, how often do publishers undertake the time-consuming process of checking and updating the article links? Now it’s easy to do this. In automatically applying link updates, they can take advantage of mid- and long-tail opportunities by ensuring the content remains relevant, up to date and profitable.

  1. Improving your commission revenues. As writers create branded content for your advertiser partners, your technology should allow them to optimise the content creation process by automatically providing them with these links to support the articles. Also, they should be able to identify the links that generate the highest commission, based on the article’s theme, so you can maximise the revenue potential.  

Growing the partnership channel for everyone 

While impact.com may be recognised as delivering a platform to support brands, as a tech business, we’re developing tools that grow the whole partnership channel. And in doing so, we need to support both sides of the market. If not, we’re stifling the channel’s development. 

So we’re focusing on providing the best tools for the differing needs of advertisers and publishers, in order that both sides prosper. And for publishers, this means moving towards offering what they need – a fully integrated suite of partnership marketing tools controlled from one interface.

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RevLifter Looks to Reduce Carbon Emissions by Launching Green Offers as an Eco-Friendly Offer Type https://performancein.com/news/2022/10/05/revlifter-looks-to-reduce-carbon-emissions-by-launching-green-offers-as-an-eco-friendly-offer-type/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=revlifter-looks-to-reduce-carbon-emissions-by-launching-green-offers-as-an-eco-friendly-offer-type Wed, 05 Oct 2022 11:55:43 +0000 https://performancein.com/?p=69016 RevLifter is looking to combat global carbon emissions by giving online retailers the opportunity to plant trees in exchange for sales made by their customers. The group’s new offer type – Green Offers – is powered by a partnership with environmental organisation Ecologi, which has offset over 2.2 million tonnes of CO2e by supporting reforestation [...]

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RevLifter is looking to combat global carbon emissions by giving online retailers the opportunity to plant trees in exchange for sales made by their customers.

The group’s new offer type – Green Offers – is powered by a partnership with environmental organisation Ecologi, which has offset over 2.2 million tonnes of CO2e by supporting reforestation projects in countries like Madagascar, Mozambique and Uganda.  

In a typical campaign, brands will pledge to plant ten mangrove trees in return for the customer completing their purchase. Green Offers are delivered by RevLifter’s RevConvert technology, which uses real-time signals like the customer’s exit intent, their current spend, and cart contents, to inform the delivery of personalised incentives through native overlays. 

RevLifter believes Green Offers can help to close the ‘intention-action gap’ that prevents the majority of customers from making positive contributions to the environment. Research from Harvard Business Review shows that 65% of shoppers want to buy from purpose-driven brands with strong sustainability credentials, but only 26% find a way to do so. 

Simon Bird, RevLifter’s Co-Founder and CEO, says: “As RevLifter is the link between the brand and the consumer, we knew we could devise something that helped each side bring positive change to the world. 

“Green Offers provide a way for the consumer to turn everyday actions into something that has a measurable impact on the planet. On the retailer’s side, it’s an opportunity to facilitate that contribution, but also drive sales through a totally discount-free method, and resonate with audiences that value more than just price.” 

PerformanceIN spoke to Simon to understand more about Green Offers and what they can do.

How exactly do green offers work?

Green Offers is RevLifter’s way of helping e-commerce brands drive more sales while making a positive impact on the environment. 

In a typical scenario, a brand will use our RevConvert technology to display a Green Offer via a native overlay. Most retailers pledge to plant ten trees in exchange for a sale (e.g. ‘Buy now and we’ll plant ten trees in your name’), but customers can also be rewarded for increasing their spend, subscribing to a mailing list, or another brand goal. 

Once the customer redeems the offer, the baton is handed over to RevLifter’s sustainability partner Ecologi to action the tree-planting process. This involves making a contribution to a reforestation project to deliver on the original pledge. Meanwhile, the consumer is made aware of their contribution through a link to the brand’s very own ‘virtual forest’, where they can see their trees the moment a purchase is made.

Obviously, we think Green Offers are a positive move in the long term, but they’re also an ideal consideration for brands that want to become greener while making the necessary changes to their supply chains and packaging. It shows an instant intent to the customer and something they can implement right away. 

Why is this something that is important to RevLifter?

Like most companies, we felt that it was important to reevaluate our own impact on the environment to see whether we could become more sustainable. We were already looking into ways of reducing our carbon footprint before the discussion turned to creating positive change through our day-to-day actions. 

The seeds for Green Offers were sown after one of Team RevLifter pointed to a study from Harvard Business Review, stating that 65% of consumers want to shop with green-minded brands but only 26% find a way to do so. As RevLifter is the connection between brands and consumers, we felt it was important to make better use of this position. We wanted to do more for the planet while giving brands and consumers the chance to do the same, all through a simple action. 

How do you expect consumers will react to Green Offers versus a regular discount?

It’s an interesting scenario and one we’re currently testing. Among a certain segment of shoppers, a Green Offer might be even more effective than a conventional offer. Research shows that two-thirds of consumers will pay more for sustainable products. We expect Green Offers to resonate highly with this audience. 

It’s also worth noting that Green Offers tend to be well-received by brands that aren’t looking to discount – either due to brand policy or to safeguard their margin. It means there isn’t always a decision to be made regarding whether to run a ‘10% off’ or a Green Offer. Pledging to plant trees is a great way to drive a full-price sale.

Why did you choose to partner with Ecologi?

When assessing our options for sustainability partners, one of the biggest factors was the scale required to power Green Offers. Ecologi has already planted over 39 million trees through its partnerships with over 12,000 companies, equating to 2.2 million tonnes of CO2e. We want brands to be ambitious when setting their tree-planting goals and Ecologi definitely has the operation to support this.   

We also placed great focus on transparency and measurability – two qualities that are absolutely vital for any sustainability initiative. Ecologi only purchases carbon credits from the most reputable standards, such as Gold Standard and Verified Carbon Standard. We also learned about its locations, land ownership, and biodiversity policies, which are essential for responsible reforestation.

As for measurement, there was a requirement to show the consumer’s impact in real time. Thanks to Ecologi, when someone redeems a Green Offer they can see their contribution within the brand’s very own virtual forest. 

What has the reaction from brands been like so far? Can you give us an example of a positive outcome?

It’s early days but the reception has been as expected – that is, incredible! So many of our brands either had ambitions for a system like Green Offers or had experimented with something on a smaller scale. They all have plans to become more sustainable and reforestation is a great addition to their roadmap.

One of the first users is a major insurance brand, which has launched Green Offers as part of a campaign to drive app downloads and engagement. We can’t wait to share the case study, as the early results show the impact of being able to incentivise in a totally different way. 

What is RevLifter as a company doing to become more sustainable?

While brands launch their first Green Offers, RevLifter will be working hard to bring down our own carbon footprint after gaining the Planet Mark Certification. This is an internationally recognised accreditation used by businesses like ours to report their carbon footprint and demonstrate continuous progress. We’ll be looking to reduce our footprint year on year while keeping the wide industry updated on all the tree-planting goals of our brands. To stay in the loop, be sure to follow RevLifter on Linkedin and sign-up to our newsletter.

While that’s happening, our team will also be working on the next offer type for driving conversions. We’re always keen to hear from brands that want to try new things in order to incentivise in a smarter way. If you’ve got a specific challenge in mind, get in touch.

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The Very Real Dangers of Brand Bidding and How Brands Can Fight It https://performancein.com/news/2022/09/26/the-very-real-dangers-of-brand-bidding-and-how-brands-can-fight-it/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-very-real-dangers-of-brand-bidding-and-how-brands-can-fight-it Mon, 26 Sep 2022 09:16:50 +0000 https://performancein.com/?p=68917 Without the careful monitoring of the use of your branded keywords in contextual ads, your company can lose thousands of clients and overpay thousands in partner rewards.   The problem of brand bidding or trademark bidding has been affecting the market for a long time – a couple of years ago an Adthena study showed that [...]

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Without the careful monitoring of the use of your branded keywords in contextual ads, your company can lose thousands of clients and overpay thousands in partner rewards.  

The problem of brand bidding or trademark bidding has been affecting the market for a long time – a couple of years ago an Adthena study showed that up to one third of all queries now experience brand bidding, driven in part, by 50% of advertisers who engage in competitive bidding on pure brand terms. Now brands have learned to fight it more effectively, but according to The Search Monitor 12% of your clicks are lost to competitors who advertise on your branded search keywords.

Brand Auditor, an ad fraud monitoring tool by Admitad, shares insights on the most harmful types of brand bidding, and ways to counteract them, based on its work with more than 2,500 brands.

What types of brand bidding can hurt your brand?

There are several main reasons ‌why someone uses your brand name or other branded keywords in their contextual advertising campaigns or on their websites. In recent years, Brand Auditor has been continually detecting, tracking and blocking harmful attempts in the following categories of brand bidding:

  • Unauthorised brand usage. Your competitors know that people searching for your products are likely to buy their product too. This is an easy-to-do and successful way for them to capture the attention of the “hottest” audience – your own.
  • Direct brand bidding. Unscrupulous or inattentive partners are interested in easy money. They, as well as your competitors, know that users who use the name of your brand or products in their search query are ready to make a purchase. It’s a simple way for others to get higher conversions at lower prices, at a cost to your brand. 
  • Landing page brand bidding, including coupon aggregators and showcase websites. Partners use coupons or promo code pages to lure valuable traffic away from your resources and directly to theirs. 
  • Unauthorised brand usage through CPA. CPA partners can also partake in unfair and fraudulent activities by using your brand keywords to siphon off already-interested buyers into their own affiliate programmes. 

Brand bidding ads often end up among the first links that Google shows to a user. Statistically, the first ad on a Google search results page has an 8% click-through rate. The first non-ad link has an even higher CTR – over 30%. 

If a user has specifically searched for your brand, it’s unlikely that they will pay attention to whether a result is an ad link or an organic link – they’ll click it anyway. 

Therefore, up to 30% of organic traffic searching for your brand or product risks either getting to your site through brand bidding (for which you’ll undeservedly pay a reward), or being channelled to a competitor’s store. 

Why is it crucial to monitor brand bidding?

The only way to effectively respond to and prevent brand bidding is to receive timely, real-time notifications that it’s happening. Therefore, monitoring services such as Brand Auditor have become an essential part of a business’s online marketing strategy. 

For Admitad, the issue of monitoring brand bidding and preserving high-quality traffic is an acute one. Brand Auditor, a tool that was developed for this exact purpose, has been carefully monitoring, filtering and blocking forbidden brand mentions in contextual campaigns and on websites – by both partners and competitors – for many years now. 

Due to an ever-growing demand for such services, by both Admitad customers and companies outside of our ecosystem, it was decided to launch a brand new, cutting-edge version of Brand Auditor.

Our new version of Brand Auditor will be released as a stand-alone product – available to Admitad advertisers as well as any brand around the world who wants to protect themselves from brand bidding.

This is a key point in our new offering. While other monitoring services are restricted by location, Brand Auditor is available universally – in every country, all around the world. 

Brand Auditor has shown that the approach of limiting brand bidding services to monitor only in countries that traditionally produced the bulk of contextual traffic – countries such as the US, UK, Germany, etc – is outdated.

Other regions like India and Brazil are rapidly increasing the volume of their contextual advertising, and their problems with brand bidding are no less acute. That is why our service now monitors globally, so as not to miss a single use of a branded keyword without the brand’s full knowledge.

How can you counteract brand bidding?

The threats ad fraud poses to your brand, business and income are very real. Over the years, Brand Auditor has sought out and blocked brand bidding violations for more than 2,500 advertisers globally. 

Intelligent brand bidding monitoring has enabled advertisers to filter out hundreds of thousands of orders, protecting their marketing budgets by stopping them from paying undeserved rewards. 

Also, by constantly monitoring competitors for any illegal or malicious activity, many brands working with Brand Auditor have been able to successfully launch their own branded contextual counter-campaigns, protecting their legitimate organic traffic from any encroachments.

Upon being alerted to suspected brand bidding, Brand Auditor offers several options for dealing with it, depending on its category type and circumstances:

  • If there is a violation by a partner – the partner network will be alerted. If they find out the partner used your banned keywords intentionally, they will be removed from your affiliate programme. 
  • If your branded words are used by a competitor – you can set up a counter ad campaign targeting them yourself, knocking them out of the competition. Usually, it costs you less to use your own keywords, so resistance will be short-lived. 
  • If you have a registered trademark for your brand name and a competitor uses that word in the text or image of an ad – Brand Auditor will locate, track and document the content of the ad, enabling you to launch a formal complaint and take legal action against your competitor.

The monitoring, detecting and combating of brand bidding is a highly-nuanced field. For every brand or business, an individual approach is important. 

If you’d like expert advice on these issues, contact the Brand Auditor specialists at support@admitad.com or through request form on Brand Auditor product page. Their experts will be happy to provide you with all the information and expertise you need.

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The Ultimate Guide to OEM Advertising for App Developers https://performancein.com/news/2022/09/20/the-ultimate-guide-to-oem-advertising-for-app-developers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-ultimate-guide-to-oem-advertising-for-app-developers Tue, 20 Sep 2022 11:41:16 +0000 https://performancein.com/?p=68857 How to launch a successful OEM campaign

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Nowadays, app developers and marketers can advertise directly on OEM devices. Previously, we have explained why Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are going to take the leading role in User Acquisition channels in the next few years. Now, we’ve decided to take a deep dive and explore OEM market potential. Here, we share some valuable insights from our latest OEM Market Research that will help you understand OEM advertising better.

The Ultimate Guide to OEM advertising” whitepaper outlines one of the 2022 user acquisition trends – OEM advertising. This whitepaper is especially relevant for those who already work with traditional traffic sources like Meta and Google Ads, but do not know how to increase installs. We believe that OEM ads can help brands boost their app installs and will be an essential part of mobile marketing strategy in the next few years.

In this guide, we have shared OEM market growth prospects, as well as recommendations for launching and maintaining OEM campaigns. Also, you will find information on how to work with OEM platforms, our case studies, and things that you need to know before launching an OEM ad campaign.

You can download “The Ultimate Guide to OEM advertising” whitepaper here

OEM advertising won’t help your strategy for reaching your target audience, but it is a great tool for performance campaigns where accuracy and measurable results matter. Mobile apps promotion on Android is the only thing currently available in OEM sources.

Another distinctive feature of OEM advertising is OEM traffic. Here, some benefits of leveraging OEM traffic:

  1. OEM source technology determines high transparency of OEM traffic and makes it fraud-free.
  2. OEM traffic is highly predictable, which improves the performance of OEM campaigns.
  3. OEMs offer marketers to promote their apps in a user-friendly way. Thus, OEM advertising format inspires user trust, and OEM campaigns CR can reach almost 90%.

Here, we put together a list of recommendations to follow for anyone who wants to test OEM sources.

  1. Build a core user base before turning to OEM sources to promote your app. On-device campaigns are not suitable for apps with a small number of users. OEMs learn how to promote an app by analysing users’ behavior and buying patterns, their preferences, and other insights. So for a recently published app, OEM sources would not have enough data to produce an informative and reliable estimate. If you need to create a core user base for your app, try Meta or Google sources first.
  1. Run OEM campaigns for scaling your app when customers can recognise your brand. To drive better performance of your OEM campaign, you need to have an eye-catching and recognisable app icon. That way, your app will stand out from other recommended applications.
  1. Before launching an OEM campaign, analyse local Android market capacity. It’s especially important when you have a big budget for your campaign. It’s likely that the budget that you want to allocate for the OEM campaign is excessive, as there are simply not that many devices in a specific region to invest in.
  1. Test different OEM sources to see which one performs best. Don’t mix up the sources while testing. Each of the three OEM platform categories has individual mechanics, an optimisation process, traffic attribution analytics, and attribution time. That’s why testing different OEM sources at the same time may affect the performance of your campaign. 
  1. Don’t compare OEM testing results with other performance sources. However, it’s a good idea to compare ad placement results in different OEM sources. If Meta is the place where you analyse creatives first, then the OEM platform is the one where you analyse ad placements. Most OEM platforms don’t offer ad placement for creatives. The most common ad format is your app icon that appears as a recommendation in different user on-device touchpoints. That’s why it’s crucial to analyse ad placement results in different OEM sources. 
  1. Ask OEM platform managers to help you launch a campaign. It can be useful and effective to reach out to people who know a platform inside out, who can and would be willing to help. The OEM platform managers can provide you with legal information, guide you through technical features of the platform, as well as advise on launching a campaign.
  1. Attribute the results of the OEM campaign correctly. For some sources such as Huawei and recommendation platforms, the average validation track for OEM advertising results is at least 30 days due to the nature of user experience.
  1. Choose vendors that have direct relationships with managers from different categories of OEM platforms. They will be able to ensure that you will achieve the business goals you have, relying on their work experience. Also, they can advise you on how to mix sources, as they are in direct contact with the platforms. When working with contractors, don’t give one source to several agencies; this will make traffic generation much harder and harder to control.

Check out “The Ultimate Guide to OEM Advertising” whitepaper, and find more information on how to launch and run an OEM campaign.

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Get Ahead or Get Left Behind: Expert Tips for Securing Seasonal Placement Success https://performancein.com/news/2022/09/13/get-ahead-or-get-left-behind-expert-tips-for-securing-seasonal-placement-success/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=get-ahead-or-get-left-behind-expert-tips-for-securing-seasonal-placement-success Tue, 13 Sep 2022 13:17:09 +0000 https://performancein.com/?p=68815 I know what you’re thinking – how can we possibly be nearing Q4 already? It may feel as if you only just finished taking the lights down, but the holiday season is sneaking up once again, and marketers like yourself are entering crunch time. Did you know 46% of shoppers started their holiday shopping earlier [...]

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I know what you’re thinking – how can we possibly be nearing Q4 already? It may feel as if you only just finished taking the lights down, but the holiday season is sneaking up once again, and marketers like yourself are entering crunch time. Did you know 46% of shoppers started their holiday shopping earlier than usual in 2021? By preparing your promotional strategy in advance, you can lock in coveted placements with top publishers, and simultaneously avoid burning a hole through your holiday marketing budget.

Let’s start checking off that daunting to-do list so you can enjoy a successful, stress-free holiday shopping season – and don’t forget to check the list twice, although we’re sure you’ve been less naughty and more nice! 

Review Seasonal Historical Data and Update Creatives

Analyse your Q4 KPIs from the past few years, such as impressions, reach, revenue, click-through rate, average order value, conversions, and return on ad spend. Which publishers, channels, and promotions worked well for reaching holiday shoppers, and which didn’t? This data is extremely beneficial when revamping prior years’ seasonal campaigns, planning incremental campaigns for new business and product lines, and determining in which channels to invest your holiday advertising budgets. 

Perhaps in prior years, you focused only on one end of the funnel or the other, and now it’s time to diversify. Based on the data, you may decide to focus solely on upper-funnel content publishers or invest in a full-funnel omnichannel approach to scale order volume. Either way, it would be wise to partner with an affiliate management agency with industry experience and deep connections to publishers across a multitude of digital channels.

When optimising your holiday paid media creative, make sure you provide a variety of assets to publishers to make it as easy as possible to promote your products, including: 

  • High-quality lifestyle and product photos
  • Various approved CTAs
  • Banner ads in commonly needed sizes
  • Text links
  • Promo codes
  • Seasonal landing pages

Learn the inside scoop into how proactive planning and data-driven insights allowed QuietKat to achieve a 430% increase in revenue during peak holiday seasonality with Perform[cb] Agency.

Recruit, Test, and Optimise with Top Publishers

Don’t wait to reach out to top partners, like influencers, bloggers, and industry publications – secure the best content placements now. Publishers are eager to map out their content calendars and test placements months in advance, so brands can greatly benefit from communicating promotional plans promptly – not to mention avoiding outrageous last-minute fees.

To entice publishers during the recruitment process, brands could test running competitive commission rates, as well as unique discount codes for banner ad placements in category pages, holiday promotion pages, email, SMS marketing, push ads, and more. Working with an agency or network partner with proven experience and existing relationships within your vertical can help immensely ahead of Q4, from both a cost-savings and publisher recruitment perspective.

Do you have additional budget and are looking for areas of publisher optimisation? Try testing promotions around top Q4 shopping holidays, beyond just Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Check out Perform[cb]’s list of the top-performing 2022 shopping holidays.

Build a Full-Funnel Approach

Many brands get lost in shiny upper-funnel partnerships when it comes to holiday campaigns, such as influencers and listicles. While 40% of revenue in the affiliate channel is driven through content, seasoned marketers know that the real ROI lies within a full-funnel approach. Let’s touch on a few examples you should incorporate throughout the funnel in your Q4 campaigns:

During the season of increased traffic and competition, and with holiday sales projected to grow 16% this year, you must incorporate unique advertising tactics throughout each stage of the funnel. Publishers are always on the hunt for additional ways to maximise profitability, especially during the Q4 shopping season. From gift guide inclusions to newsletter placements, and all the promos in between, marketers shouldn’t shy away from testing and optimising their advertising efforts throughout the funnel to entice holiday shoppers.

Get Ahead or Get Left Behind

Don’t get left behind this holiday season. By analysing historical performance, planning around top-performing Q4 shopping dates, optimising new and existing partnerships, and proactively securing the best media placements for your brand, the gift of holiday ROI will not be far behind! Set yourself up for success during the busiest time of the year with Perform[cb]’s Guide to Q4 Seasonal Planning & Profitability.

Whether you currently work with an agency or are looking to layer some affiliate management muscle onto your in-house team, we know that Q4 is also the time of year when marketers start thinking about RFPs. Our agency team would love the opportunity to chat about your programme and goals. Request a no-strings meeting with us to find out more about our cutting-edge delivery model that has our clients raving!

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Admitad Wins Huawei Partner of the Year, Taking Collaboration to the Next Level https://performancein.com/news/2022/08/15/admitad-wins-huawei-partner-of-the-year-taking-collaboration-to-the-next-level/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=admitad-wins-huawei-partner-of-the-year-taking-collaboration-to-the-next-level Mon, 15 Aug 2022 10:46:58 +0000 https://performancein.com/?p=68581 After a year of building numerous partnerships with brands across Europe, US, UK and Canada, IT-company Admitad and tech giant Huawei have decided to widen the geography of their cooperation. Both companies are in the final stages of signing contracts that will cover the rest of the world, including promising new regions like MENA, LATAM, [...]

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After a year of building numerous partnerships with brands across Europe, US, UK and Canada, IT-company Admitad and tech giant Huawei have decided to widen the geography of their cooperation. Both companies are in the final stages of signing contracts that will cover the rest of the world, including promising new regions like MENA, LATAM, APAC and many others. 

Earlier this year, Petal Search, a mobile search engine by Huawei, honoured Admitad with its Partner of the Year award. Together, the two companies ran profitable joint campaigns that created additional revenue streams for Petal Search. The amount of GMV generated by Petal Search users making online purchases through Admitad advertisers’ stores doubled in H1 of 2022. With the full, worldwide coverage their expanded collaboration will bring and the autumn sales season fast approaching, both sides expect to see even more explosive growth throughout the second half of the year. 

Having recently celebrated its second year anniversary in June, Petal Search continues to nurture partnerships with over 3,000 brands. So far, Admitad has connected Petal Search with more than 800 advertisers and is eager to spark even more new collaborations in the near future. Since the geography of their cooperation now spans the entire world, Petal Search will be able to select partners from a full list of more than 30,000 brands and merchants across the globe. 

Despite being relatively “young”, Petal Search has already secured a place within the top five of mobile search engines in 25 countries. Through PetalSearch, Admitad’s advertisers gain exclusive access to the 40 million monthly active users of Huawei Petal Search across 170 countries, and more than 28 million monthly active users of Petal Maps in 160 countries. 

The team behind Petal Search has the ambition of taking their rightful place among the world’s top-tier search engines, shaking the market dominance of the likes of Google and Bing. Dr. Jaime Gonzalo, VP Huawei Mobile Services Europe explains that the current monopolies currently present within the text ads market, especially in Europe, are likely to play in detriment of the absolutely necessary healthy competition, critical for any market’s continued evolution, and ultimately to ensure the best experience for the end users.  

“Currently, the ads environment is configured in a way that not a single new search engine can survive without the support of these major dominant players. That’s not good. This is one of the reasons we decided to team up with Admitad. They provide our solution with additional monetisation options and an alternative way to develop our text ads service – through partnerships and direct collaborations with brands of all grades. Due to their level of flexibility and agility, we treat Admitad as an essential partner in our product innovation”, explains Jaime Gonzalo.

CEO and founder of Admitad, Alexander Bachmann, notes the success of the current cooperation between the two companies – in the last six months, the total GMV of purchases attracted by Petal Search has grown by 121%, and the number of monthly clicks on advertisers’ sites often ran into the tens of millions. These results have been achieved through the use of various tools, including MonetizeSearch, a tailored solution for search engines and browsers. It enables the displaying of brand logos listed in organic search results, attracting greater user attention to their offers. 

“Our teams are working closely together, experimenting and selecting the most effective mechanisms. We are thrilled to support the birth of a new “supernova” in the search engine market. The Petal Search team is actively trying out new approaches, harnessing the expertise of Admitad managers and, as a result, users have a really positive perception of customised ads. This is confirmed by their willingness to spend more – the AOV of Huawei customers is around $33, which is higher than the current average of $30 in partner marketing,” said Alexander Bachmann.

Both companies have high hopes for the second half of the year, especially Q4. By that time, the search engine will be able to start partnerships with hundreds of selected brands throughout many new regions. Also, it is a period of major sales – such as 11.11 (Singles Day), Black Friday and the New Year and Christmas sales season. Huawei and Admitad expect an explosive growth of GMV during these “hot” winter months.

Another revenue-boosting factor will be a line of new search engine monetisation tools that Admitad will roll out in the near future, including features inspired by their cooperation with Huawei. 

Current plans include MonetizeSuggest, a tool for providing users research suggestions with embedded partner links, features based on data from various coupon and product feeds, and other useful options for search market players. Each new tool will also be adapted for the monetisation of mobile apps. These tools will bring a significant increase in traffic to Admitad advertisers and ‌diversify the profits of search engines (including Petal Search) and other types of partners by creating more additional revenue sources. 

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The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Partner Marketing https://performancein.com/news/2022/08/11/the-ultimate-guide-to-mobile-partner-marketing/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-ultimate-guide-to-mobile-partner-marketing Thu, 11 Aug 2022 08:31:18 +0000 https://performancein.com/?p=68547 In this new e-book, VP of Sales at TUNE, Nate Ivie, covers everything you need to know to expand your affiliate marketing activities to the mobile ecosystem.

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TUNE was founded in 2009 as one of the first SaaS-based platforms to support affiliate marketing and mobile measurement. Throughout the years, we’ve seen it all, from the rise of app install campaigns to the evolution of cookieless cross-channel attribution. A few things have remained the same, though. TUNE’s focus on mobile is one. Another is a lack of mutual understanding when it comes to mobile attribution and affiliate marketing. Often, it seems that individuals who specialise in mobile are unaware of how partner marketing works. On the flip side, many partner marketers confess to not fully grasping how the mobile ecosystem works.

The knowledge gap that exists between mobile and affiliate has been holding countless marketers back from success. We want to change that with a new e-book that’s designed to bridge this gap. You can download the free e-book here. Below, we provide a glimpse at how the industry got to this point, and why bringing mobile and affiliate together is key to future success. 

User acquisition meets affiliate marketing

When mobile app user acquisition started to take off in the mid 2010s, it was the Wild West: colossal volumes of clicks and installs, extremely low conversion rates, fraudulent downloads that everyone ignored, and massive amounts of money exchanging hands. Back then, user acquisition (UA) was focused solely on generating installs; as long as they were coming through, no one asked questions. 

Most UA managers referred to this practice as “affiliate marketing,” as many marketing partners were paid primarily on a cost-per-install basis. However, once a large mobile advertiser did start asking questions, the focus shifted from quantity to quality, and a new emphasis was placed on fraud. 

But the damage was already done to the affiliate marketing industry. Budgets shifted heavily to Facebook, Google, Snapchat, and other programmatic sources. The number of partners mobile advertisers worked with shrunk, along with the industry’s opinion of affiliate marketing. 

Two different worlds

Despite it all, affiliate programmes and partner marketing have been growing strong, even without a heavy mobile app presence. The industry is projected to grow to $8.2B in 2022, and the number of searches for “affiliate marketing” on Google has almost tripled in the last five years.

With all the success partner marketing has seen over the last half decade, it’s rarely included mobile apps as a point of conversion. The general understanding of mobile web tracking remains underrepresented in the conversations we have with prospective clients. Whether they are just starting a partner marketing programme, or looking to migrate from their current solution, the trend holds just as true.  

This all signals that there is still a disconnect between user acquisition teams and partner marketing teams. And it’s not hard to see why, when you consider the following: 

  • Legacy affiliate platforms were initially resistant to embrace mobile 
  • As mentioned above, “affiliate marketing” is still a dirty term in the user acquisition industry 
  • Deep linking technology for mobile apps has been available for years, but is only now starting to reach the partner marketing world 
  • User acquisition and partner marketing teams are typically siloed and do not work together often (if at all) 
  • Large-scale, traditional affiliate partners do not have the partner-side technology to work with app developers 

After over a decade at TUNE serving customers at brands, networks, and publishers across web and mobile, it is apparent that user acquisition managers and partner marketers must align their goals and strategies to succeed. For them to do this, the first step is to understand what it is the other does, the tools they each work with, and how they can fit it all together.  

How TUNE’s guide can help

This e-book was designed to give user acquisition teams and partnership teams the knowledge they need to understand and expand affiliate marketing activities to the mobile ecosystem. The goal is to empower these groups to do that in three ways: 

  1. Equip partner marketers to understand completely how tracking and attribution work on both mobile app and mobile web 
  2. Enable user acquisition managers to understand the possibilities partner marketing can provide 
  3. Provide some common knowledge that both partner marketers and user acquisition managers can act on to work more closely together 

No matter your field of expertise, The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Partner Marketing will be a valuable resource for information and insights on the industry and your colleagues. Download the free e-book now.

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Seven Ways to Grow Your Affiliate Channel (Beyond Recruiting New Partners) https://performancein.com/news/2022/08/09/seven-ways-to-grow-your-affiliate-channel-beyond-recruiting-new-partners/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=seven-ways-to-grow-your-affiliate-channel-beyond-recruiting-new-partners Tue, 09 Aug 2022 09:00:57 +0000 https://performancein.com/?p=68494 How can you maximise the benefits of existing partnerships when seeing little impact from long-tail partners? Here’s impact.com’s Sam Crocker on how to discover the partners you didn’t know you had, learn from competitors and level up your existing partnerships…   MEMBER EXCLUSIVE Become a free member for instant access to this article and all [...]

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How can you maximise the benefits of existing partnerships when seeing little impact from long-tail partners? Here’s impact.com’s Sam Crocker on how to discover the partners you didn’t know you had, learn from competitors and level up your existing partnerships…



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How RevWallet is Making Waves Across Affiliate Programmes https://performancein.com/news/2022/07/21/how-revwallet-is-making-waves-across-affiliate-programmes/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-revwallet-is-making-waves-across-affiliate-programmes Thu, 21 Jul 2022 08:35:04 +0000 https://performancein.com/?p=68227 The past two weeks have been a little different at RevLifter Towers. For those who missed our recent announcement, we’ve added RevWallet as a new core part of our hyper-personalisation toolset.  Our latest release gives brands the opportunity to supercharge their on-site incentivisation game by putting all their personalised deals, recommendations, and marketing messages in [...]

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The past two weeks have been a little different at RevLifter Towers. For those who missed our recent announcement, we’ve added RevWallet as a new core part of our hyper-personalisation toolset. 

Our latest release gives brands the opportunity to supercharge their on-site incentivisation game by putting all their personalised deals, recommendations, and marketing messages in one place. 

Every incentive, call out, and suggestion on RevWallet is personalised – down to a micro moment – enabling brands to turn what were previously anonymous site visitors into customers.

RevWallet carries benefits on both sides. On a basic level, it means customers don’t lose track of all the deals they receive throughout their journey. They also benefit from a personalised experience that assists them throughout that journey. 

From the brand’s point of view, it gives them a simple way of putting their first-party data to good use – enabling the personalisation of experiences, incentives, and communications for every customer – while driving lots more sales and a whole lot more revenue per customer. 

A brief summary of RevWallet

You won’t always be able to spot a RevWallet in the wild. That’s because every solution is fully branded through a range of colours, fonts, and design elements in order to look and feel native to the retailer’s site. 

Once the design has been finalised, brands can decide on which ‘Offer Cards’ fill their RevWallet and drive their goals. Popular choices include:

  • Stretch and Save: Where the customer is invited to spend more for a bigger discount
  • Call Outs: For pushing new product releases, sales, and more
  • Daily Deals: The classic ‘limited-time only’ promotion, completed by a countdown timer
  • Secret Sales: For targeting specific audiences (e.g. new or existing customers)
  • Product recommendations: Available as a standalone or mixed with a deal

The next choice is to set up the rules that decide which audience sees which incentive. Popular targeting options include session data (e.g. location, weather, time of day), cart data (cart total, new/existing customer status, cart contents), and site data (time on site, no. of visits to site in set period). This is key to ensuring everything in the RevWallet stays relevant, and that your incentives always link back to your unique goals.

As an added touch, the tool also uses a unique form of machine learning called ‘predilection’ (essentially your way of knowing that your customer has a preference for something) to self-learn from past journeys and produce better results.

That’s RevWallet in a nutshell. Now let’s go into some of the reasons why it’s making such a great early impression. 

Brand buy-in

Launching RevWallet has been like nothing we’ve seen before. For one, we’ve seen interest from a strong mix of retailers – from fashion, to consumer electronics, and telco. Each present very different challenges but tend to share common goals in terms of converting customers, raising spend, decreasing abandonment, and increasing margin. 

Secondly, rather than easing RevWallet onto their site by launching it with a control group, we’ve seen instances of brands going for 100% exposure from the start. 

Maybe it’s a culmination of retailers being more willing to share their data with tech partners after seeing what they can do for their competitors. Maybe it’s the ease at which those partners can now go live. Praise must go to affiliate networks like Awin and Rakuten Advertising for the latter, as the introduction of container tags has vastly accelerated the process of getting innovations like RevWallet onto a site. Maybe it’s being able to add something that not only raises conversions but levels up their on-site experience. 

It could also be the confidence shown in a technology that can make use of all the signals imparted by customers during their journey. Regardless of the reasons, we’re looking forward to seeing brands getting creative with their RevWallets and learning from their early experiments.

E-commerce involvement

Another interesting point surrounds the people that can make use of RevWallet. It’s been refreshing to see Heads of E-commerce, Product, and Innovation entering into discussions with Team RevLifter over the launch of this particular solution. 

We firmly believe tech partners and innovations like RevWallet are giving the affiliate channel a much bigger seat at the table. Plus, when factoring in incrementality tests, it’s possible to swiftly answer the usual questions around the real value the technology is bringing. 

Award winner

We expected RevWallet to maintain our rich history of producing award-winning technology, but the timing took us all by surprise. 

Last month, before it even been officially launched to the market, RevWallet claimed the ‘Innovation’ prize at Rakuten Advertising’s European Golden Link Awards. We hope this will be the first of many trophies we collect for our brands, and there’s still time for us to add to our collection in 2022.

The results so far

To give you an idea of why RevWallet is drumming up such a buzz, look no further than its first case study with beauty brand Face the Future. 

On the lookout for a solution that could give its customers a stronger reason to purchase, the retailer was the very first user of RevWallet. Team RevLifter collaborated with Face the Future on a version of the technology that included personalised recommendations and promotions to stretch spend and generally made deals more visible. The effort led to an incredible +33% rise in average order value and a +5.1% incremental increase in revenue per user. 

Now the first results are in, we’re eager to see what the rest of the year holds for RevWallet across multiple retail verticals.

Want to see what RevWallet can do for your brand? Click here to book a personalised demo with the team. 

The post How RevWallet is Making Waves Across Affiliate Programmes appeared first on PerformanceIN.

Influencers and Affiliates are Complementary, Not Competitive https://performancein.com/news/2022/07/07/influencers-and-affiliates-are-complementary-not-competitive/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=influencers-and-affiliates-are-complementary-not-competitive Thu, 07 Jul 2022 08:45:36 +0000 https://performancein.com/?p=68093 Influencer and affiliate marketing are not opposite – they are complementary. After all, both focus on the same outcome – creating authentic content to help brands build authority, grow their business and make more money – why not do both? Here’s impact.com’s Sanchit Sareen on four important points for you to consider when thinking about [...]

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Influencer and affiliate marketing are not opposite – they are complementary. After all, both focus on the same outcome – creating authentic content to help brands build authority, grow their business and make more money – why not do both?

Here’s impact.com’s Sanchit Sareen on four important points for you to consider when thinking about aligning your influencer and affiliate strategies…


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