#IMS19: Tagger Media on Data Privacy in the Age of Influencer Marketing

This year, Tagger Media is one of the headline sponsors of the Influencer Marketing Show. We caught up with CEO Dave Dickman to see what they’re looking forward to, what we can expect from them and why data privacy in the age of influencer marketing needs to be discussed on stage. 

We’re delighted to have you as a headline sponsor of the Influencer Marketing Show this year. Can you tell us what delegates can expect from Tagger at the event? 

David Dickman: We’re really excited to give the show’s attendees a deeper look into Tagger’s Influencer Marketing SaaS platform with its full, impressive suite of features and solutions. We’re a global company with a strong UK presence and we love what we do. We’re looking forward to showing the attendees how they can efficiently run their influencer campaigns and strategies internally with the help of Tagger.

What most excites you about the 2019 Influencer Marketing Show?

DD: Getting to discuss cutting edge ideas with other industry thought leaders. The show has led us to develop amazing relationships, share exciting breakthroughs, and connect with others in the influencer marketing industry. We’re thrilled to be able to keep the momentum going this year!

Your session at the show is around data privacy in the age of influencer marketing. Tell us more about what you’ll be sharing with the audience up on stage.

DD: Tagger is inviting key leaders in the industry to discuss how data affects their strategies and decisions. We’re also exploring how data can be used, respectfully and responsibly, to deliver incredible results for any influencer marketing campaign.

What key takeaways do you think will drive the most debate amongst the audience?

DD: Social media data and how the influencer space makes best use of this in an appropriate way.  As consumers, we need to be aware of what kind of information is shared and available. In our panel discussion, we aim to show that while much data is available, it can also be used without infringing on anyone’s privacy.

How has data collection changed in the last 12 months, in terms of both consumer attitudes and marketers’ awareness? 

DD: Data collection practices in social media are constantly changing, and social platforms are evolving by reacting to what has been happening in the industry. Influencers and consumers alike are starting to see more and more ways to protect their information and choose how their data is shared and used. 

What further changes need to be made in order to ensure we don’t take advantage of people’s privacy? 

DD: The key point is to be respectful. The influencer needs to have the right to choose how and where their information is shared, and platforms need to be aware that there are boundaries that should not be crossed. That’s why platforms and governing entities are working to improve the way they collect and protect data every single day. At Tagger, we pride ourselves on being in full compliance around data and what we share and use.

Do you think people will look back and be surprised at how little control people had over their digital data?

DD: Aren’t we surprised already? Yes, I think hindsight is always 20/20. But again, things are changing for the better. The industry is evolving, platforms are adapting, and we’re hopeful for the future.

Lastly, what advice can you share with brands that are looking to capitalise on the opportunities that are arising within influencer marketing?

DD: Streamline every step of your campaign process by investing in a great SaaS platform (and we’re not just saying that because it’s our job). Taking full control of your campaign while still staying organised will not only ensure a higher ROI but also protect the integrity of your brand.

Brands need to be able to responsibly access data to plan campaigns and connect with influencers while ensuring there’s no communication breakdown. Additionally, they need to be able to accurately analyse and report the metrics that matter. Keeping everything on one platform makes the influencer marketing process so much smoother and more effective for everyone involved.

Catch Tagger Media’s session on Day 1 of this year’s Influencer Marketing Show and use the hashtag #IMS19 to join in the conversation.

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