Marketers Using AI/Personalisation Exceeding Revenue Goals by 30%

Marketers Using AI/Personalisation Exceeding Revenue Goals by 30%

Over three quarters (81%) of marketers using AI and machine-based learning for personalisation report are exceeding revenue goals by at least 30%, according to a new study announced by customer data activation platform, Blueshift.

The study highlights what marketers are doing to overcome challenges preventing improving customer experience and exceeding business goals. The study also sheds light on how some of these challenges develop, as well as their solutions and the impact those solutions could have on businesses in the coming year.

Generally speaking, using AI and machine-based learning will become the new standard with 98% using AI/predictive modelling tools reporting marketing improvements, as well as 60% of marketers planning to increase their use of AI in the next 12 months, including 41% of those already using AI.

In terms of challenges, Blueshift found that most marketers (95%) can’t deliver real, cross-channel personalisation at the 1:1 level while 36% reported they spend more time collecting/distilling information than executing against it when it comes to tech and data.

“Our study with Kelton Global reveals how sophisticated technologies are needed now more than ever, as these platforms allow marketers to keep up and bridge the gap between existing customer data, tools, and processes,” said Josh Francia, Blueshift’s chief growth officer.

“The report findings make it clear that in order for marketers to win and exceed their goals they need to: unify their data, integrate AI, and invest in technology that’s built for scale,” he added.

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