Certainty in Uncertain Times with In-App Tracking


Short term / the spread of the Coronavirus: 

The world of online sales, especially in the field of mobile traffic is going up and down every day in this time of the Coronavirus crisis. Some clients are having record high levels of sales whilst others see numbers go down. According to Rakuten Intelligence, e-commerce spending in the US is seeing an overall boom, but consumers’ purchase behaviour has shifted. A Mckinsey study shows that 75% of apparel and fashion stores could face challenges, while “in-door” categories that focus on comfort and self-care are more relevant to consumers. 

Nothing is as before, the level of discount needed to incentivise purchase can increase or decrease due to the daily situation. Where do brands and retailers get some certainty in these highly uncertain times? One answer is in-app tracking. To start with, in order to help make sure that the discount you’re offering is enough but not too much every day, you are going to need accurate in-app tracking. In addition, it also gives you valuable information on which channel is driving sales the best. The mobile app channel has never been more important for brands and retailers. In Q1 2020 app downloads increased by 20% (5% in Google play and 15% in IOS app store). Therefore, it is essential to get reliable data for this channel. 

In-app tracking also benefits your users, both old and new. New clients, especially those that aren’t always digitally native, are likely to be put off if the app is too complicated or doesn’t offer a seamless user journey. All they need is simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. In-app tracking gives users this smooth journey from looking for discounts to one-tap download, saving new clients effort and trouble to become your loyal app users. 

This seamless customer journey also benefits your existing app users. Without in-app tracking, after finding a discount, your app users will only be redirected to your mobile webpage, where they might lose basket history and get confused. With in-app tracking, your users will be redirected to your app while they click on the coupons.

Midterm / what will happen in the next stage of life, as the coronavirus infections recede and the financial effects increase: 

We cannot be exactly sure what happens next as a new chapter and another month of our battle with this invisible enemy begins. For instance, when we all start to leave our homes more and more as lock down measures recede, how will people’s purchases change: 

– Will everyone suddenly want to buy things to enjoy the outdoors more? 

– Will people look to their own neighbourhoods for more local based experiences? 

– Will people still spend so much time virtually connected? 

– Will commuters avoid crowded public transport, turning to cars, bikes and scooters? 

– Will students and workers carry on with home learning and home office? 

– Will everyone care more about their health and staying fit? 

The fact is, we cannot answer these questions with certainty. Looking at China that is ahead in reopening their economy, we still see cautious consumer behaviour.

Therefore, the continuous uncertainty in the midterm will still have an effect on how much incentive you must promise and how your coupon strategy is working. Again, in-app tracking can provide this much-needed certainty. 

Long term / The speed and dynamics of the mobile purchase journey: 

Mobile traffic accounts for approximately half of traffic on the web and the use of mobile apps is growing. Because of the growing popularity of mobile, things that once took days and weeks can be done in seconds and minutes. On top of this, our mobile devices make everywhere a point of purchase, bringing many opportunities. 

Here again in-app tracking can provide you with even more assurance that your incentive and offers are effective, well placed and well timed , especially as more and more desktop customers switch to mobile apps for everything from inspiration to evaluation to purchase. 


There is an opportunity in challenging and changing times to increase sales and build brand connection: 

Through all this uncertainty there are still opportunities for brands to increase their sales and consumer engagement through useful commerce content, smart product selection and of course discounts. 

In fact, discounts when presented in the right way can not only increase sales they can actually help build connection with customers, helping people afford the life they live. You just need to find out what level of incentive they need to make that purchase – which is where in-app tracking helps as real opportunities need real time data. 


– gives you data, results and certainty even in the most uncertain times – like right now! 

– allows you to be fast and flexible with offers in changing times – giving you the edge over those who don’t have it! 

– can simplify your customers journey to download your App – maximising the number of new customers! 

– can be turned on with minimum effort and maximum effect. 

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