Nearly three quarters (72%) of consumers “do not prefer” video ads over other types of display advertisements, despite the format being a popular trend in 2018.

According to research from self-service programmatic ad provider Choozle, which surveyed 502 consumers in the US (53% female and 47% male), 43% felt negative towards online ads as the study revealed that consumer sentiment opposes several display ad formats including video, voice and ad blockers.

Furthermore, the reasoning behind the negative sentiment among respondents was due to seeing the same ad multiple times (25%) while ads would slow down the webpage they were browsing on (19%).

Out of those surveyed, 54% said they haven’t used an ad blocker in the past six months.

Meanwhile, 45% of respondents were more likely to click on mobile ads despite the display advertising format being one of the most popular channels in 2018.

Facebook (54%) and Google (44%) remain the most influential platform for advertising, followed by Instagram (23%), Spotify (28%) and Pandora (24%).

When it came to data privacy and the general data protection regulations (GDPR), 60% didn’t know what GDPR was despite the regulation coming into effect in May this year.

However, despite this, 78% agreed that the US government should adopt stricter privacy and security standards within digital advertising.

“The survey showcases a broad shift in the digital advertising landscape since the start of the year,” said Jeffrey Finch, Choozle co-founder and chief product officer; “While consumer sentiment opposed the vast majority of predicted trends for 2018, results did reaffirm that consumers are expressing a greater affinity towards connected devices and being served advertisements through streaming services like Spotify.”

“However, it may be in the best interest of advertisers who have pillared their efforts in trends such as video or voice to revisit their strategies if they wish to stay ahead of ever-changing consumer behaviour.”