
Finder is the UK’s fastest-growing shopping and price comparison site. Finder’s fashion team had collaborated well with the fashion giant boohoo for two years, but both were keen to see what setting a hugely ambitious goal could achieve. We decided to embark together on a project to double sales for boohoo from Finder users, with the aim that 20% of orders were to come from new customers.


Our aim was revenue growth of 100% year on year. This was supported by secondary objectives on traffic growth and a defined proportion of growth coming from new customers. We also set ourselves a target for the number of pieces of fresh content we would publish to support seasonal launches.


Finder’s fashion editors and writers worked with stakeholders at boohoo and its affiliate networks to regularly plan and deliver fun seasonal and topical multi-channel content to delight both existing and new customers. Shared values made for seamless collaboration on content about sustainability and events like Pride.

Creativity & innovation

A key part of the strategy was Finder’s unique discovery content, bringing boohoo style to fans of similar fashion brands and creating new customers for boohoo.

As Finder’s fashion team are all boohoo fans, this made the excitement in our launch coverage truly authentic.

Outstanding planning and teamwork were critical to the success of the project. This created a truly shared understanding of boohoo’s brand, its goals, and its customers.


We smashed sales revenue targets with a year on year increase of 103%, while the proportion of orders from new customers was increased to 23%, also beating its target. Finder’s unique discovery content was key in achieving this. Hundreds of thousands of users were referred from to boohoo.


True collaboration needed the human touch to develop a deep understanding of what Finder could bring to customers and potential customers of boohoo. Through planning and fantastic teamwork, Finder’s multi-channel, perfectly timed, topical content reflected the values of the boohoo brand and delivered a result that smashed all our goals.