Performance marketing company Pepperjam has launched a new product, Optimizer, an automated publisher recommendations engine.

The tool will enable advertisers to choose the right publishers for their affiliate campaign based on set parameters, cutting down time usually spent on manual search.

Apart from increased efficiency and advanced manual search filters – including sorting by social stats, relevance, monthly site visits – Optimizer will also help to drive incremental revenue through new audiences.

The company’s CTO, Greg Shepard, commented there are 30 clients, including DVF Studio, Seven7 Jeans and Wilson’s Leather, already reaping benefits of the solution.

“By leveraging the automated recruitment capabilities that Optimizer provides, new advertisers will decrease their time to revenue through new publisher partnerships, while existing clients will see an obvious opportunity for incremental value,” he explained.

The launch forms part of Pepperjam’s 2017 tech campaign Stay in Front, which aims to set the company as the leading provider of industry solutions, and it follows the rollout of its Dynamic Attribution Suite earlier this year.  

The US-headquartered company has recently expanded into the UK aiming to “reinvent” the local affiliate marketing scene.