Are Users as Worried About Third-Party Data as We Think?

This is why recent research by A Million Ads, in collaboration with research company, Attest, which identified perceptions and preferences around personalised advertising is so interesting.

The results revealed that 61% of UK respondents are very or somewhat willing for advertisers to use their data to personalise ads and offers if it keeps content free and data anonymous.

77% said they are very, or somewhat, annoyed when seeing or hearing exactly the same ad many times over.

Intriguingly, over half (56%) prefer, or somewhat prefer, personalised ads that are relevant to their current context over standard, generic ads. 55% are very, or somewhat, more likely to purchase a product or service after having seen or heard a personalised ad.

Given the results, unsurprisingly,  65% of the marketers surveyed revealed that personalisation is a high or very high priority for their advertising strategy, with half saying they use personalised advertising to drive better engagement.

Similarly, when asked what strong or very strong uplift in brand metrics they had seen by using dynamic, personalised creatives, brand awareness (74%), brand consideration (73%) and purchase intent (73%) came out on top. 

Steve Dunlop, CEO, A Million Ads said: “The advertising marketplace has changed forever, requiring advertisers to build a new respect-based relationship with consumers. Bludgeoning your audience with repetitive messaging is a tactic that should be consigned to the past. 

“Instead, brands should leverage the power of personalisation through dynamic creative that adapts to the real-time context of their target audience to boost relevance, engagement and results. Our survey revealed that a clear majority of consumers want personalised ads and are willing to share the information brands need to make it happen – if the value exchange is right. 

“Today, personalisation at scale is more accessible, more affordable and more achievable than ever before. It’s time for brands to reap the rewards.”

It’s very interesting indeed to hear an opposing point of view to what we have been witnessing of late. Brands will have to do some serious research into exactly how their customers feel about their data being used if they are to create effective advertising campaigns whilst still pertaining to their customers wants and needs.

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