Cookie Update: Research Finds Top 100 Websites in UK, US and AUS Largely Depend on Third-Party Cookies

New research carried out by DMPG, ObservePoint, and Similarweb, reveals a significant dependency on third-party cookies across the UK, US and Australia’s top 100 websites, with an average of 81 of the leading 100 sites setting cookies in a third-party context.

The research uncovered that the majority of third-party cookie domains identified support advertising technology. Across the three regions, these accounted for 84.9% of the third-party domain counts. While the dependency on third-party cookies is much lower for the other non-advertising categories, the report highlights sites among the top 100 that still have dependencies on other technologies for things like measurement, site personalisation, and other functionality such as surveys, live chat, and sharing. There were even a few sites which had necessary functionality with third-party cookie dependencies relating to login and payments.  

Findings in the regions include:

Steve Carrod, Co-Founder and Managing Director, DMPG, commented: “The fact that there is still such a large dependence on third-party cookies does not come as a surprise. We saw a general lack of urgency to adjust to regulations imposed by GDPR, which were in part down to the confusing messages delivered by regulators in this area.

“The changes that are impacting our – as brand owners – ability to track customers across domains are not going to be any easier to work with. In actual fact, I predict that there will be a very significant and disruptive battle for dominance between Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon. Each will want to take a dominant role in terms of their position around who owns the customer and how they can be communicated with, which is unlikely to align with how the brand owners will want it to happen.”

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