Rakuten Inc and SQREEM team up to launch Rakuten SQREEM

Rakuten Inc has announced the launch of Rakuten SQREEM in partnership with SQREEM Technologies Pte. The newly formed company based in Japan will provide advertising companies with marketing solutions built on AI-based behavioural pattern analysis.

Rakuten SQREEM will utilise the data provided by the more than 100 million Rakuten members in Japan and the behavioural pattern analysis data owned by SQREEM to provide marketing solutions enabling media buying for internet advertising and the precise analysis of consumer behaviour. 

SQREEM is one of the world’s largest aggregators of behavioural pattern data, providing marketing solutions through its behavioural pattern analysis platform that combines the collection and analysis capabilities of their proprietary AI technology and big data acquisition technology to analyze the massive and complex consumer behaviours. 

By combining the technology of SQREEM with the consumer behaviour analytical data of the Rakuten Group, the new company launched today (February 3) will provide digital marketing solutions that offer a higher level of precision for the Japanese market.

Protecting personal information

Greater considerations for the handling of user data are being called for with the rise in awareness of the importance of protecting personal information in data-based marketing, including GDPR and the recent California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) enacted in California in January 2020.

To date, Rakuten has worked hard for the protection of personal information when utilising data accumulated by the Rakuten Group to provide marketing solutions. In addition to fully complying with these regulations, Rakuten SQREEM hopes to provide high-performance solutions to advertising companies that take into account the importance of protecting user data by developing digital marketing solutions that are not dependent on personal attributes and instead use the analysis of open data available online.

Rakuten and SQREEM will continue to create new digital marketing solutions for a range of companies through Rakuten SQREEM.

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